Key Astronomers and their work Flashcards
What is Nicolaus Copernicus known for?
In 1543, Copernicus formulated the Heliocentric system, with the Sun at the centre rather than the Earth
What is Tycho Brahe best known for?
In 1572, Brahe discovered a supernova in Cassiopeia
What is Hans Lippershey known for?
In 1608, Lippershey invented the telescope`
What is Galileo Galilei known for?
In 1609, Galileo discovered the 4 Jovian moons, the Moon’s craters and the Milky Way Galaxy
What is Johannes Kepler known for?
In 1609, Kepler announced the first and second laws of planetary motion.
He announced the third law in 1619
What is Kepler’s First Law (The Law Of Orbits)?
The first law states that planets move in elliptical orbits around the Sun at one focus of each ellipse (the other is empty)
What is Kepler’s Second Law (The Law Of Areas)?
Kepler’s second law states that an imaginary line from the Sun to a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time
What is Kepler’s Third Law (The Law Of Periods)?
Kepler's third law states that the square of the orbital period (T) of a planet is proportional to the cube of its mean distance (r) from the Sun T² --- = A constant r³ or t²=r³
What is Giovanni Cassini known for?
In 1666, Cassini noticed the Martian Polar Ice Caps
What is Isaac Newton known for?
In 1668, Newton built the first reflecting telescope. In 1687, he published The Theory Of Universal Gravitation
What did Isaac Newton discover?
Newton discovered that the force of weight is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the two objects
What is Newton’s inverse law?
Newton found that the strength of gravity follows an inverse square law, this means that the strength of gravity goes down by the increase of distance squared
F = Force (Newtons) d= Distance (metres) K= a constant
What is Edmond Halley known for?
In 1705, Halley computed the orbit of the eponymous Halley’s Comet using Newton’s laws
What is Charles Messier known for?
In 1781, Charles Messier published an astronomical catalogue consisting of nebulae and star clusters that came to be known as 110 ‘Messier objects’
What is Christian Doppler best known for?
In 1842, Doppler discovered the ‘Doppler effect’ of moving stars
What is Albert Einstein known for?
In 1905, Albert Einstein came up with the Theory Of Relativity in ‘On The Electrodynamics Of Moving Bodies’.
In 1916, he introduced the General Theory of Relativity
What are Hertzsprung and Russel known for?
During 1911-14, they introduced the H-R Diagram that shows how the characteristics of stars are related
What is the main band running through the H-R Diagram called?
The main sequence band
What is the Bayer System?
The Bayer system uses Greek letters to represent relative magnitudes
What is a spectroscope?
A spectroscope is a device for producing and recording spectra for examination
What are the different uses for a spectroscope?
Astronomers use spectroscopes to investigate the following properties of stars:
- Chemical composition
- Temperature
- Radial Velocity
- Stellar Classification (OBAFGKM)
What did Edmond Halley do regarding astronomical units?
Edmond Halley devised a method of determining the size of an Astronomical Unit by observing transits of Venus
What did transit observations determine?
A transit observations enabled the absolute size of the Solar system to be determined