6 Celestial Observation Flashcards
How many constellations are there?
88 constellations
What are asterisms?
Asterisms are unofficial, popular patterns of bright stars that have a close likeness to their name. Examples include ‘The Plough’ in Ursa Major or Orion’s Belt
What is an open cluster of stars? (Give an Example)
A group of stars that are roughly the same age and formed in the same giant molecular cloud. An example is the Pleiades
What are constellation pointers? (Give an Example)
Pointers from constellations that point to another star or celestial object. An example is The Plough which points to Polaris and the ‘handle’ arc to Arcturus
What is an optical double star?
Two stars that appear to have merged from our perspective
What is declination?
Declination is the projection of latitude onto the celestial sphere; it is measured in degrees (+&-signs indicate N or S)
What is Right Ascension?
Right Ascension is the East-to-West coordinate system. Right ascension is measured from the first point of Aries; it is measured in hours and minutes where 1 hr=15° and 1 min=0.25°
What is Azimuth?
The Azimuth is a bearing from due north moving round eastwards to the point on the observer’s horizon directly under the star; it ranges from 0° to 360° back to 0° again
What is Zenith and Nadir?
The Zenith is the point directly above the observer
The Nadir is the point directly below the observer
What is your Meridian?
Your Meridian is the great arc passing through the celestial poles, as well as the zenith and nadir of an observer’s location.
What is Diurnal Motion?
Diurnal motion is when a star reaches its highest point (culminate) when they are due south as they cross the observer’s meridian and later set in the west.
How long does it take for the Earth to rotate once?
23hrs 56 mins
What is a Sidereal day?
A sidereal day is how long it takes for the Earth to rotate in accordance with the stars
What is a Solar Day?
A Solar Day is the time it takes for the Earth to rotate around its axis so the Sun appears in the same position in the sky
How long is a Solar Day?
24 hrs
Why does a Solar day occur?
A Solar day occurs because, during the time it takes for the Earth to rotate 360°, the Earth also moves around the Sun by 1° so it needs to rotate for a further 4 mins to align back to the same point as the Sun
How can you tell the local sidereal time (LST) using Right Ascension?
Local Sidereal time is the time the Right Ascension of a star that lies on the observer’s meridian at a given moment in time. An example is if a star with RA= 14 h 45 mins lies on an observers meridian, the LST is 14:45
What is a star’s hour angle?
A star’s hour angle is the time since the celestial object was last crossing the observers meridian
the angular distance on the celestial sphere measured westward along the celestial equator from the meridian to the hour circle passing through a point
How do you calculate a star’s hour angle?
Hour Angle = Local Sidereal Time - Right Ascension
What does the Hour Angle tell you?
If the Hour Angle is negative, its value tells an astronomer how long it will take before the star or celestial object will be crossing their meridian
What is the NCP?
The NCP is the North Celestial Pole. It is the equivalent of a North Pole in the celestial sphere. Polaris is located within 0.8° of the NCP
What is Altitude?
The Altitude of a star measures the angle between the horizon, you, and the celestial object
What is the Celestial Equator?
The Celestial Equator is the hypothetical sphere which contains the stars ‘painted’ on the inside
What is the Ecliptic?
The Ecliptic is an imaginary circle on the Celestial Sphere that represents the apparent path of the Sun during the year.