Key Area 8: Genomic Sequencing Flashcards
What type of organisms have scientists determined the genomic sequence of?
pathogenic bacteria and viruses
pest species
model organisms that possess genes equivalent to those that cause diseases and disorders.
What has the comparison of many different genomes revealed to us.
DNA sequences of important genes are conserved from one organism to the next.
the greater the number of DNA sequences in common with organisms prove what?
They are more closely related.
What is phylogenetics?
Phylogenetics is the study of evolutionary relatedness between groups of living things.
How can you determine the evolutionary relatedness amongst groups of organisms?
sequence data
fossil evidence
what happens over time to closely related living things?
They will accumulate mutations which will gradually alter the genome.
How can you describe the rate of mutations over time.
what is the molecular clock?
The molecular clock is the name of a technique that uses the mutation rate of genome to deduce the sequence in which the species evolved and how long ago the most recent common ancestor existed.
DNA sequences can be used as molecular clocks to show when species diverged during evolution.
The more similar the sequences, the more closely related the organism.
what are the three domains of life?
bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes.
what is personalised medicine?
This is the investigation of a individual’s genome to predict the likelihood of developing certain diseases.
(disease causing mutations and mutations that increase the likelihood of developing a condition could be found.)
what is pharmacogenetics?
pharmacogenetics is the study of an individuals genome in order to predict which medicines, and in which dosages, will be most effective to that individual.
what is the first stage in the sequence of events in the evolution of life?
life on Earth
what is the second stage in the sequence of events in the evolution of life?
cells similar to prokaryotes
What is the third stage in the sequence of events in the evolution of life.
last universal ancestor
what is the fourth stage in the sequence of events in the evolution of life?
prokaryotes able to photosynthesise.
what is the fifth stage in the sequence of events in the evolution of life?
what is the sixth stage in the sequence of events in the evolution of life?
multicellular organisms
what is the seventh stage in the sequence of events in the evolution of life?
What is the eighth stage in the sequence of events in the evolution of life?
pharmacogenetics cannot solve all medical problems. why?
causes of diseases are often complex, with environmental factors playing a part.