keith academy Flashcards
mozem tiez dosiahnut
i can also achieve
som potesena ze si tu
i am glad, pleased, delighted, cintent, ecstatic, thrilled that you are here
citim sa nahnevany, namrzeny
i feel angry, cross, irate, vexed
citim sa smutny, sklesly
i am feeling sad, down, low, blue, despondent
som v siedmom nebi
i am on cloud seven
citim sa na vrchole sveta
i am feeling on top of the world
som nahnevana, ked ma deti neposluchaju
i feel vexed when I children don’t listen to me
som smutna ked nemozem ist na chatu
i feel despondent when I can not go to the cottage
je skutocne oddany svojmu sefovi
he is really dedicated to his boss
velka zľava
big discount
odhadujem = myslim si
i reckon = I think
nemozem to povedat isto
I can’ t say so sure/ I don ´ t know
rozsah a presnost, spravnost slovnej zasoby
range and accuracy of vocabulary
level prave nad
the level just above you
je to absurdne
it is ridiculous
knowledge vs knowing
I have infos about something vs I am able make something and activate knowledges
Spot on!
osoba ktoru obdivujem je moj stryko
a person I admire is my uncle
you make a mistake
you trip up
uncountable nouns always how much not how how many
voda, cukor, ryza, informacia, rada, informacia
water, a lot of sugar, some rice, some information, advice, important news, knowledge, work, pollution, equipment, transportation, traffic, accommodation,
she is fat
she is big-boned
she is old
she is getting on a bit
she is short
she is ertically challenged
if you doń t take a risk, you won ´ t succeed
nothing ventured, nothing gained