Danka Buntova TT Flashcards
Toto plemeno je tvrdohlave
This breed is headstrong
Tato rasa potrebuje veľa pohybu, pretoze to je velmi energicke plemeno
This breed needs a lot of movement, because it is very energy breed.
What a breed do you have? I have jacks, in the same group like dachshund.
Ake mas plemeno? Ja mam jacka, rovnaka skupina ako jazvecik
Vycvik bol bez odmien.
The training was without rewards, sweets.
ona je socializovana, ale len s ludmi
she is socialized, but only with people
Nemam preto odvahu.
I have not a courage for this.
ona mi odporuca skolu v Zvoncine
She recommends me the school in Zvoncin
muz je viac prisny
the man is more strigent, strict
a chive (tjaiv)
an experience, contact with, familairity with
štiplavá chuť
pungent, hot, burning, strong, sharp taste, flavor, smack
suhlasim s tebou
I agree with you