Kè 13 Sentences Flashcards
Lěng ma?
Lěng bù lěng?
Buy something
Mǎi diǎn dōngxi
You go where?
Nǐ qù nǎr?
I go post office pick up package, what about you?
Wǒ qù yoújú qǔ baōgǔo,nǐ ne?
I first go store buy things, then go library send email.
wǒ xiān qù shāngdiàn mǎi dōngxi, ránhòu qù túshūguǎn fā email.
i also want send email, we together go.
Wǒ yě yào fā email,zánmen yìqǐ qù ba.
You no go post office?
nǐ bú qù yóujú ma?
post office 6 o’clock closes the doors. No problem.
Yóujú liù diǎn guān mén,meí wèntí。
Tomorrow is Sunday, you plan what?
Míngtiān shì xīngqītiān,nǐ dǎsuan shén me?
i plan go store buy things.
Wǒ dǎsuan qù shāngdiàn mǎi dōngxi。
Is the school’s store?
shì xuéxiào de shāngdiàn ma?
No, is go shopping center.
Bù, Shì qù gòu wù Zhōngxīn .
There the things expensive or no?
nàr de dōngxi guì bú guì?
Still okay. There things very a lot, quality also good.
Haí kěyǐ。nàr de dōngxi hěn duō, zhìliàng yě búcuò.
I just plan buy clothes, tomorrow with you together go, good?
Wǒ zhèng dǎsuan mǎi yīfu ne, míngtiān hé nǐ yìqǐ qù, hǎo bù hǎo?
What time go?
Jǐ diǎn qù?
Center 9 o’clock open doors, we 10 o’clock go.
Zhōngxīn jiǔ diǎn kāi mén, zánmen shí diǎn qù ba.