Kè 10 Sentences Flashcards
Duì, shì wǒ jiā de zhàopiān.
Correct, is my family photo.
Zhè shì nǐ de zhàopiān ma?
This is your photo?
Nǐ jiā Lǐ yǒu jǐ gè rén?
You family household have how many people?
wǒ jiā lǐ yǒu wǔ gè rén: yéye, nǎinai,bàba,māma hé wǒ。
My family household has 5 people: grandpa, grandma, dad, mom and I.
Nǐ meíyǒu gēge,jǐejie ma?
You don’t have brothers, sisters?
Meíyǒu, xiànzài zhōngguó jiātíng yībān zhǐ yǒu yī ge haízi
Don’t have, now Chinese family generally only have 1 child.
Nǐ jiā li yǒu shén me rén?
Your family household have what people?
Wǒ jiā Li yǒu bàba, māma, gēge, didi, meìmei haí yǒu yī tiáo gǒu。
My family household have dad, mom, older brother, younger brother, younger sister, still have one dog.
Yígòng liù gè rén?
Altogether 6 people?
Bù, qī gè.
No, 7.
Bàba, māma, yī ge gēge, yī ge didi, yī ge meìmei hé nǐ, liù gè, duì ba?
Dad, mom, 1 older brother, 1 younger brother, 1 younger sister, and you. 6, correct?
Bú duì, haí yǒu yī tiáo gǒu.
Not correct, still have 1 dog.
Shì zhèyàng.
Yes like this.
Xià kè hoù..
After finish class..
Shàng kè qián..
Before start class..
Shén me yàngzi
Tell me more about it
Nǐ haí hǎo ma?
You still good?
Nǐ jiā zěn mé yàng?
How is your family?
Jīntiān shì zhoū jǐ
What day is today