kb Miscellaneous 2013 #5 Flashcards
What group of people did most of the work under the system of feudalism?
What fictional character “robbed from the rich and gave to the poor”?
Robin Hood
What color were the coats of the British army during the American Revolution?
What brave American woman earned her nickname by carrying water from a nearby spring to the tired and thirsty soldiers during the American Revolution?
Molly Pitcher
Who is known as the “Father of Our Country”?
George Washington
What amendment gave women the right to vote?
Complete this scale: do re mi fa so la ti ____
What Englishman proposed a “theory of evolution”?
Charles Darwin
What Greek woman had “the face that launched a thousand ships”?
Helen of Troy
What bird is a symbol of peace?
a dove
What does it mean to be in your “birthday suit”?
to be nude or naked
What ancient Indian civilization was ruled by Montezuma?
What scientist published observations on gravity?
Isaac Newton
The French Revolution began with the storming of what prison?
the Bastille
What document issued by Abraham Lincoln announced that all slaves in the Confederacy were free?
the Emancipation Proclamation
Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln?
John Wilkes Booth
George Armstrong Custer died at the Battle of the Little Big Horn. What is the nickname given to this battle?
Custer’s Last Stand
To what family of instruments does a clarinet belong?
What is the rhyming name of the plane Howard Hughes flew for one mile on November 2, 1947?
the Spruce Goose
In the northern hemisphere, in what month do we have the autumnal equinox?