kb Miscellaneous 2013 #2 Flashcards
In soccer, who is the only player who can pick up the ball with his hands?
What does a philatelist collect?
What does numismatist collect?
Name the four suits in a deck of cards.
hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades
In terms of computing, what does CPU stand for?
Central Processing Unit
Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari, and Explorer are types of what?
internet (web) browsers
In terms of computing, what does ROM stand for?
Read Only Memory
In terms of computing, what does the abbreviation WWW stand for?
world wide web
Whose face is on a $50 bill?
U.S. Grant
In the world of computers, what does ISP stand for?
Internet Service Provider
What was the world’s first FREE email site?
In the world of computers, what is the name given to the temporary storage area that a web browser uses to store pages and graphics that it has recently opened?
What fruit gave its name to a desk top computer in 1984?
In sports, what does the acronym MVP stand for?
most valuable player
Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, Leonardo
What cartoon group are they?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
How many United States have two words in their names?
The violin is part of what instrument family?
What type of television ads were banned in 1971?
What is the most landed on square in a game of Monopoly?
What sign of the Zodiac represents twins?