Kathleen's Lines Flashcards
Looking at a piece of paper
This is it
No it’s a pensione
Sean that is a hotel and it’s pronounced pensione
Then let’s go in. It’s hot out here.
I know but Ms. Tabor told us to wait for her.
Funny Connor
Where have you been
I’m starving
We’re waiting for Ms Tabor
Yeah let’s go in. I’m melting in this sun.
Ms Tabor told us to wait for her
I’m telling you we should just go in
okay quiet! This isn’t a big deal. I guess…I guess we’ll just check in.
yeah, where is Daria
Oh, great
Kathleen, Daria wont have any idea how to get here
Okay, you guys stay here. Joane and ill go look for her
Arrivederci everybody…. everyone respond arrividerci
what shop
Antonio said he had to get back to his shop
Shes been shopping? weve only been here 20 minutes.
Okay, everybody, lets check in
Enter hotel room
Not bad. Kinda cute even. Wheres the bathroom?
No elevator. Thank God were only on the 3rd floor. Turn on the air conditioning.
There is no air conditioning.
No air conditioning?
Not that I see.
No im supposed to be in a double with Kathleen
Just put your stuff in here until we figure it out.
Somone has jet hag. The concierge dude gave this to me to give to you.
What is it?
Whats in the envelope?
Maps, list of restaurants, revised class schedules, museum tickets, dos and donts, emergency numbers.
you know what this means dont you
yeah were stuck in these rooms.
Hes right
were on our own
anyone up for a shopping trip in mulan
Hold on! No ones going anywhere
Yeah since when do you get to be our new tour leader.
Since… Since… Since Tabor put my name on the envelope.
Everyone just calm down! Give me that! Maybe this is why we need a chaperone to begin with!
And this heat isnt helping. I want to put my head down for a little nap.
Connor its our first day and our first class. can you hold off embarassing us till week two.
I love the way they treat us like adults, and not some high school kids on vacation
Daria were not on vacation
So is drawing comic book art. its still art
Shhhh. were gonna start
What is she doing in that robe
I think shes…
What class is this again
Life Drawing
Whos in there
Everythings out of whack. How about you guys?
Today were getting a private tour of the Galleria dell Acadamia. Do you know how amazing this is?
What happened after I left the cafe last night
Nothing much
What about those guys that were talking to you and helene
They were like ancient. They had to be 30.
No rebelius i guess That first night I think I threw up for an hour
And Lynn was nice enough to take care of you
Looking at a statue of David
Oh, my god. Hes… I Had no idea. How can a human being sculpt something that beautiful?
Is he not magnificent
Its beyond that. I cant imagine the talent to acomplish something so…
i know
No, not David. Bernardo Fusco
Did you know that 60% of the worlds most important works of art are located in italy and approximately half of these are in Florence
No, I didnt
Did you know I stayed up until 3 am last night studying so I would know all this information
No I didnt
My father sprung… sprang? This on me yesterday. I wanted to be sure on my facts and my English.
Your English is better than mine. Sprang Sprung
Boarding school and summer trips to New York
Are you from Florence
No I am from Venezia
Do you live here now
No like you I am only here for a short time. Firenze is a beautiful city is it not? My father is a university professor and spend summers working at different museums all over the world
that sounds exiting
I love your accent
I dont have an accent. Youre the one oh wait i guess i do to you
Where is it from
Its from Colorado
My name is Bernardo
Im Kathleen
Tomorrow my friends and I will be at the Piazza republica. Maybe you and your friends would like to join us
Yeah. Ill ask That would be fun
Good then i will leave you to your drawing Arrivederci Kathleen
Arrivederci Bernardo
Okay ive had…
Oh for god sake would you guys stop. were here representing out school and for that matter the us. So can you stop just while were here stop acting like total idiots. With seans obsesion with giovana and him bringing penut butter into every resteraunt weve been to. Helen and Joanes fasination with drinking as much as possible in the shortest amount of time. And connors insistance on embarrassing us at every oppertunity…
Why does everyone pick on connor
Look I didnt choose to be the leader of this little cultural exchange program but until tabor descides to actually do her job than someone has to and unfortunatly that someone is me. Now unless one of you wants to deal with the school, the hotel, cover for tabor, and help lynn find her missing passport…
I know its in the room somewhere
Then be my guest but until then lets show everybody how mature we are and stop acting like its our first time away from home.
It is my first time away from home
oh no
oh lynn i didnt mean to make you…
well check the room again
And if we cant find it well go to american embassy and get a new one
we have plenty of time to get a new one
yeah well work it out
its okay dont worry about it
i think were going through a little culture shock
im alright. really im alright
you sure
maybe hes a sub
no i think hes
Rhapaels La Velata was sold to.. yeah yeah date year…perhaps this is a portrait of a common girl loved by Rhapaels
its hard to think that these great artists were ever our age
yeah art history is all about old people
i wonder what raphael looked like when he was a teenager
Hey you dont have dibs on him
Yes I do
ciao everybody ciao kathleen
hi bernardo
will you invite me to sit
i will not keep him out to late arrivederci everybody
Has anyone anyone told him they sell peanut butter in italy
no… what are you doing
yeah that does it im going over there
liz no
that was intense
you know in the us hed be thrown into counseling in a heartbeat, but in italy its courtship
in either country, im pretty sure counselling wouldnt hurt Daria
no i think well stay here
your friends are nice
thanks they didnt start out that way
no friends. back home im only really friends with liz and sean. i knew the others from art class. except connor.
And what about you kathleen who are you
just an american girl taking art classes in italy
i think there is more to you than that
and who are you bernardo
just an italian boy that wants to be a translator for the un
wow how many languages do you speak
italian, english, french, spanish, german, and some greek.
what is your idea of a romantic night
what is your idea of a romantic night
any night where two people are totally honest with there feelings. do you have a girl friend.
come let us walk and talk
your lying
no really
you cant do that
yes you can and the gondoler never new
Here we are
i had a wonderful time tonight the view of the city from the campanile was beautiful. how did you work that out
the influence of my father goes really far
i guess
i enjoyed tonight very much. you are very easy to talk to.
so are you
i was wondering if we might go on a proper date this saturday
i would love too
i thought we would go see the sistine
the sistine the sistine chapel
in rome
there is another
oh i dont know
we go in the morning leave at night inbetween we have a date
i would love to go out with you this saturday, but i dont know about going to rome. i told everyone else they couldnt go without permision from our teacher and she is know where to be found.
for the record hes not my friend
for the record ive never met that girl in my life.
thats amore
there everywhere. it never ends. no wonder tabor hits the ground running. Roma huh
its only a day
just you and me
that sounds…great
good! i get the tickets tomorrow and we go saturday
buon giorno. so how was your days
liz dont start your not my mother
i know i called her
oh my god you didnt
no i didnt
but i should have
liz im sorry i didnt think youd miss me
i think your overreacting
overreacting. you were gone two days. where were you. we were going crazy worring about you
i went to roma with bernardo
isnt that a bit hypocritical
no. yes. wed only planned on being there for a day
you went to roma… and didnt tell me
i was afraid youd talk me out of it.
i probably would have but you still should have told me anyway
i thought youd be angry
was it bernards idea to go to rome
yes but i wanted to go
was it also his idea to not tell me that you were going
no hes not like that
so you descided to keep it from me
i was going to call you when we got there
then why didnt you
i dont know i just got caught up in the adventure
we even went to the police
oh god you didnt
what else were we supposed to do
i didnt think youd go to the police
didnt you consider what wed to when we couldnt find you
no but noone seems concerned we cant find tabor
shes not my friend
no one told you to worry about me liz
Thats what friends do kathleen i thought we were friends
i am your friend liz
then start acting like it
i am so sorry liz. I really screwed things up didnt i
pretty much
ill apologize to everyone tomorrow for being such an idiot
and maybe its time for me to stop trying to cover for tabor
liz i didnt mean to be sneaky. everyone was driving me crazy and i was thinking how unspontanious i am back home… i meant to be adventurous.
i know. so how was the adventure
liz it was wonderful. youve got to see rome… the vatican, the pieta, the sistine everything. michalangelos moses. you thing hes going to get up from his chair at any moment.
oh now your killing me
you and christian should go
howd it go with bernardo
liz hes great hes sweat hes easy to talk to hes funny i really really like him
i guess so to stay with him in rome
nothing happened we were going to come back last night bu the trains were on strike they still are we spent the night in a train station
how did you get back
a tour bus. 6 hours with 40 japanese tourists that didnt speak english. on top of that the bus driver must of stopped at every souviner shop between here and rome. i had a lot of time to think on that bud trip. rome was amazing but it wouldnt have been the smae without bernardo. we held hands all day we kissed on the spanish steps. he fell asleep with his head on my shoulder. it was a big deal for my parents to let me go on this trip. it was just the money, it was them trusting me and i guess just letting go.
when my folks were saying goodbye to me at the airport my dad told me… he told me not to come back different.
i think its too late
hey kath were talking venezia we need your euros
i dont think im going
and i promise if i do or say anyting embarrassing i will say im from canada
thanks but i dont
youve been having many adventures
what happened. ive gone over everything we did that day and i still cant figure out why you havent spoken to me. is it because i wanted to come back.
no no
then what happened
it was me i just needed some time
for what
i was not entirely honest
so i had to tell her
wow how did she take it
not as well as i hoped
im sorry so what happens now. im leaving next sturday
then we have a week. what happens after that week is to be seen
bernardo in case you havent noticed im a little old fashioned. ive dated a grand total of one guy, two if you count us.
i count us
okat two guys. i love my parents. i cry when i hear christmas carols. im the one my grandmother calls goody two shoes
goody shoes
never mind it doesnt really translate anyway i guess what im trying to say is nothing different is going to happen in the next few days. i want to be with you, but im not going to stop being who i am im just not like that
come we must go
you have to pack we are going to venezia
we are
the colomba have been here centuries i dont think they are going to leave now
so whats up
spaghetti slle vongole
sean from only peanut butter to clams our little boy is growing up. slowly
he is not maybe hes hypnotized her
can we not make this one of those 4 hour lunches there are a lot of things i want to see today
gondolas tonight
i dont think so bernardo had a little run in with a gondolier once
wanna talk about it
i followed you is that one her
if you want to talk we can but not now
bernardo whats going on
this is anna maria the girl i told you about
oh does she want to join
i hope she leaves you with a broken heart like me
ciao limone
that was sureal
you okay
yeah just embarrassed you
im fine
look at you kath standing up for your self and your man
i think id better sit down
are you alright
im shaking a little
your shaking a lot
ill be okay
what did you say to her
at the end didnt you say ciao limone
i guess so
goodbye lemon
oh i dont know it was the only italian i could think of right then
i did not know she would…
dont worry about it bernardo its over
bene im happy to have you at my side
lets just forget about it have lunch and relax
guess what i got the scholorship
you did congratulations liz oh my god thats great
yeah it is im just not sure i want it
what are you crazy why not
been here done that
you are unbelievable liz you dont want it
nope dont tell anyone but i did learn a lot here
your secrets safe with me if your not coming back next year what are you going to do
go to an art school in new york or la im leaning towards la
yeah i figured that
come with me well room together ill let you come back to rome whenever you want
thanks but i dont know what im going to do next im thinking maybe i might come back here to study some more since im nowhere as good as you are
you shouldnt let a guy have that much power over you
and your thinking of going to los angelas because
i heard your teacher is going to speak
what is she going to talk about
lets go come on guys
well be right there
dont take too long
wow a lot of stuff going on
si are you alright
yes i just wish i wasnt leaving tomorrow
si are you alright
yes i just wish i wasnt leaving tomorrow
me too
what would you say if i told you i might come back
to firenze
i would say i am 3 hours away by fast train or 12 hours by tour bus
what if i dont come back
there must be some use for an italian english translator in denver colorado
id think so do you speak cowboy
okay here we go
do we have to do this
am i invited
get in here
everybody ready
okay everybody say ciao