Confessions of a Facebook Addict Flashcards
Bruce: Hey Man the games about to start…
Carlton: You can not just barge in on a (wo)man when (s)he is on his (her) computer.
Bruce: Um this is my house too. I can barge into any room I want. And besides thats my computer… Why? Is that facebook?
Carlton: You have one too.
Yes but unlike you I know wen the big game is on it trumps facebook any day.
Carlton: Towch
Bruce: Um you mean touche
Carlton: No I mean towch
Bruce: psh idiot
Carlton: Excuse me I am…. attending to some very… important friends right now so if you could just…
Bruce: Yeah cus you dont have any really friends in the real world
Carlton: Alright let go there. how many friends do you have on facebook?
Bruce: Idk like maybe ten
Carlton: You are soo not… cool
Bruce: And how many might you have?
Carlton: oh pff only like (cough) 15,000
Bruce: You dont even know 15 people. how can you possibly have 15,000 friends?
Carlton: I accept anyone who sends me a friend request. Just come over here and look
Looks at computer with bruce.
Carlton: Heres a new request from a girl named Natasha… shes 35 years old… and russian. (pause) welcome to america Ms. Natasha.
Bruce: just send me a miracle … send me an angel.
Carlton: Groans loudly
Bruce: An angel? Which one is it? Michael? Gabriel?
Carlton: Bruce?
Bruce: Lucifer?
Carlton: No… Its Carlton.
Bruce: Same thing…
Carlton: Huh.
Bruce: Nothing…nothing.
Carlton: Where are we? Why am I tied to a chair?
Bruce: How would I know? The last thing I remember is watching the game at the apartment when all of a sudden those FBI agents burst through the door and told us to go with them.
Carlton: You know what? That was weird… I dont think those guys were really FBI agents.
Bruce:…No you tink?
Carlton: Yeah, in fact, I bet they were the ones who kidnapped us and tied us to these chairs.
Bruce: wow. Sherlock nothing gets by you.
Carlton: (Long pause). Bruce? Are we gonna die?
Bruce: No we are not gonna die.
Carlton: (Pause) Were gonna die.
Bruce: No! Were gonna get out. Well be fine. Lets just focus on getting out of here now. Try to get to that window over there.
Carlton: How?
Bruce: Carlton? Are you okay?
Carlton: I hate you
Bruce: Get up
Carlton. Its not working
Bruce: Try something else
Carlton: I have an idea… Here
Bruce: What are you doing?
Carlton: Just grab my foot and pull me up.
Bruce: You know im tied to a chair right.
Carlton: Well… Just…bite it.
Bruce: What? are you suggesting that I…
Carlton: Just bite my foot and pull me up with your mouth… please