Karl Marx and V.I. Lenin Flashcards
Karl Marx was born in Rhineland, which was?
part of Germany that was strongly permeated with democratic ideas by the French Revolution
Who was Marx’s lifetime collaborator?
Friedrich Engels
Marx’s died in London in ?
One of Marx main influences was?
The German philosopher. G.W.F Hegel
Both Hegel and Marx believed that history..?
had meaning and that it moved in a set pattern toward a known goal
For Marx, this known goal was?
The classless society, leading to full human freedom
For Hegel this known goal was?
the victory of reason and spirit over enslavement to caprice and passion
What was Marx’s view on the french revolution?
he theorized that it was the best method of destroying a capitalist society
Marx’ dialectic materialism proposed…?
that political and historical events are due to the conflict arising from economic conditions
What did thesis, antithesis and synthesis represent for Marx?
thesis was the existing order which would be challenged and overthrown by the antithesis and the new order that was created would be the synthesis
The first stage of communism (socialism) is guided by the principle?
“from each according to his ability, to each according to his work.”
The second and final stage is guided by the principle?
“from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”
For Marx, under capitalism work is not fulfilling as it is..?
not voluntary but forced labour
What is the driving force behind the class struggle needed to effect social change and progress to overthrow the capitalist state?
class consciousness
Marx labelled religion the opium of the masses because..?
it offered the proletariat a means of accepting their station in life
For Marx and Engels, the history of the existing society…?
is the history of class struggles
V.I. Lenin (1870-1924) was the creator
of a distinctive version of marxism as a revolutionary theory
Lenin held that seizure of power from below should be followed by?
a dictatorship of the revolutionary party
The revolutionary party would use what instead of coercion to transform the country on socialist lines?
Lenin’s work What is to be done, described?
the need to create the right kind of revolutionary party for russia’s special conditions
Imperialism for Lenin in an economic sense is?
the highest form of capitalism