Karen Horney Flashcards
Horney's view of women, nature of the Oedipus Complex
Disagreed with Freud
- Freud’s theory was biased – select sample
of “neurotic” females - Criticized Freud’s idea that physical anatomy
was basis of psychological differences
between men and women - Masculinity and femininity are culturally, not
biologically, determined ideas
Challenged the ideas that women
- envy men for their penises
- feel shame over biological “deficiency”
- have male babies to vicariously possess a penis
- are naturally submissive, dependent and
masochistic - are jealous of women as competitors for
More criticisms
- Illogical that women would envy the
biology of the opposite sex - No cross-cultural support for penis
envy–some cultures actually show womb
envy - Theory developed by men is not likely
completely relevant for women. - Women are socialized to feel submissive
and dependent on men.
Oedipus Complex: Horney’s View
A culturally determined, occasional process of jealousy and aggression within some families
Roots of conflict are interpersonal not sexual: conflict between dependency on parents and anger against parents
Karen’s belief
People are driven by search for
love and security
Freud Said - People are driven
by Sex and Aggression
More Karen Horney
Interactions with parents, siblings,
peers, and significant others form
Importance of parent-child relationships
Family: the primary force behind socialization
(agreed with Adler)
Need for security and freedom from fear
Personality development
Normal personality development occurs when:
social environment allows child to develop
- parents display genuine, predictable
warmth, interest, and respect toward child
Personality Development
Abnormal development occurs when:
environmental conditions block
child’s psychological growth–leads
to basic hostility and basic anxiety
Basic Evil
cold, indifferent,
hostile, or rejecting
attitude of parents
toward a child;
inconsistent or
interfering parents
Basic Hostility
hidden anger toward all-powerful, but
indifferent adults
Basic Anxiety
pervasive feeling of loneliness and
helplessness “in a hostile world.”
Family Factors Contributing to
Basic Anxiety
Parental domination
Unkept promises
Hostile atmosphere
Lack of respect for the
Putting the child “in the
middle” of parental
Lack of genuine warmth
& affection from parents
Moving Toward People:
Compliant Personality
Reflects an anxious need for a partner and affection
Overly modest
Leans on others
“If you love me, you won’t hurt me.”
Moving Against People:
Aggressive Personality
Compulsive, exaggerated cravings for power and prestige
Moving Against People:
Aggressive Personality
Driven by personal ambition
Distrusts others
Rebellious and vengeful
Won’t admit to being wrong/never compromise
Moving Against People:
Aggressive Personality
“If I have power, no one can hurt me.”
Moving Away from People:
Detached Personality
Concerned with self–needs to
be admired
Avoid intimacy or criticisms from
others by being aloof observer,
not a participant
Moving Away from People:
Detached Personality
“If I withdraw, nothing can
hurt me”
Basic Conflict
Contradictory orientations to move
toward, away from, and against others
Actual Self: Who One IS
the objectively existing person
independent of anyone’s perception
Idealized Self: Who One SHOULD Be
Normally: idealized picture of self based on flexible and realistic assessment of our skills and abilities
Idealized Self: Who One SHOULD Be
Unhealthy: idealized picture based on
unrealistic and inflexible self-assessment
Substitutes for genuine
self-confidence; acts superior/without faults
Tyranny of the “Should’s”
May develop an unreachable idealized image of the self they should be to survive and gain love and approval
- “Shoulds” dominate – generate anxiety
and guilt - Unrealistic compulsivity;
Rational Emotive
Therapy (RET)
GOAL: Help clients identify and change
irrational beliefs that contribute to or cause their psychological problems