Kaplan Random Flashcards
What is the primary feature in Preferred Stock for most investors?
For most investors, the primary feature of Preferred Stock is it’s fixed dividend.
-Consequently, Preferred Stock is usually purchased for income so it is more sensitive to changes in interest rate’s than Common Stock is
What is a 2 for 1 stock split?
In a 2 for 1 stock split, the number of outstanding shares is doubled and the price is halved.
The total market value of the issuers stock therefore remains the same.
Nominal Yield
The interest stated on a bond.
Current Yield
Current Yield value varies.
The current yield equals the annual interest return divided by the CURRENT market price
ANNUAL DIVIDEND divided by the current market price!
Look out for statements about current yield when they give you the quarterly dividend…current yield is ANNUAL dividend divided by current value so if the question shows a quarterly dividend or anything but annual be sure to not forget that math before dividing by current value
Look out for statements or questions where they’re asking for current yield but state the quarterly dividend or a dividend less than the annual amount…Current Yield is ANNUAL dividend divided by the CURRENT market price
How are Variable Annuity payments during the annuity pay out taxed?
Only the amount that represents investment income is subject to tax
It is taxed at an ordinary income rate
Holding a Position in a security
Clients hold positions
They are either LONG
- which means they own it
Or they are SHORT
- which means they’ve borrowed it to sell
Statutory Voting
Statutory Voting allows investors one vote per stock share they own for each director position to be filled.
I.E. An investor has 200 shares of common stock.
There are eight candidates running for five vacancies on the board.
The investor has 1,000 votes of which 200 can be cast for each of the five vacanicies vacancies
Mutual Funds use what pricing?
Mutual funds use FORWARD PRICING.
This means that you don’t know what the price per share is whether purchasing or redeeming until the next calculated price…
So if the morning price announced at $10 was the last announced price and you decide to sell that afternoon you don’t know what you’ve sold for until the next price is announced after your decision
What are GO Bonds?
GO Bonds- General Obligation Bonds
-also known as “full faith and credit bonds”
These are bonds backed by the general taxing power of the issuer
Examples of GO Bonds Include School Bonds, Sewer Bonds, Street Bonds etc
What are IDR’s?
IDR’s- Industrial Development Bonds
Proceeds from these bonds are used by state or municipal authorities to finance construction of industrial facilities to be leased or purchased by a private company.
The Bonds are backed by the credit of the private company. Often NOT considered an obligation of the issuing municipality.
The interest received on IDR’s may subject to federal tax depending on the use of monies raised by the leased facility(public or private)
Current status of accounts in Qualified plans must be updated to all employees how often?
At least Annually
A Round Lot equals?
100 shares of stock
Common stock trades in round lot’s of 100 shares each
Stock is generally sold in Round Lot’s (100shares)
Investors purchase stock at the “ask” price
Investors purchase stock at the “ask” price
Insider Trading Penalties
Civil Penalties
- up to 1 Million Dollars or three times the profit made or loss avoided whichever is greater
Criminal Penalties
- Can include a jail sentence of up to 20 years