Kaplan Constitutional Law Foundation Slides Flashcards
Check Point Items
1- Presidential Powers in conflict with other branches
2- State and Federal Laws at Odds
3- Watch for the President using some power from the constitution in an executive agreement and there being a conflict with a federal statute
4- Always make sure your plaintiff challenging a law has standing and that the issue(s) is/are ripe
Federalism - Coverage Areas
1- Federal Judicial Authority - Standing - Justiciability - Supremacy Clause - Hierarchy of Laws 2- Powers of Congress - Property Power - Tax and Spend - Commerce Clause 3- Powers of President - Executive Orders and Agreements - Commander in Chief - Clemency
Case and Controversy Requirement
Federal Court adjudication requires an actual and definite dispute between parties having adverse legal interests
Plaintiff must show a concrete personal stake in the out come.
Constitutional Standard: (1) Injury in fact (i.e., economic, aesthetic, environmental, physical harm; (2) Causation / redressibility
Justiciability elements / Mnemonic is
RAMPS Ripeness Advisory Opinions Mootness Political Questions Standing
Justiciability Ripeness
For a case to be ripe, there must be a genuine immediate threat of harm
Justiciability Mootness
A case is MOOT unless an actual controversy exists at all stages of review, unless the injury is capable of repetition, yet evading review
Justiciability Abstention
Federal court will refuse to review a case based on an unsettled issue of state law
Federal court review is prohibited where there are pending state criminal proceedings
Presidential Powers
- Issuance of executive orders which have the binding force of law upon federal agencies
- Commander in Chief
- Appointment Powers
- Emergency Powers
- Clemency Powers
Hierarch of Laws
1- Constitution 2- Act of Congress / Treaty 3- Executive Agreement - foreign policy /affairs (but subject to Congressional Acts) 3- Executive Order - domestic policy 4- State Law
Generally wrong answer choices on the MBE Constitutional multiple choice
1- General Welfare Clause
2- Necessary and Proper Clause
3- 14th Amendment Privileges and Immunities Clause
4- Contracts Clause
5- Distinction between Rights and Privileges
6- 10th Amendment - Caveat NY v. US
Congressional Delegation of Power
1- Congress may delegate the task of implementing its laws to government agencies
2- Allows Congress to indirectly monitor an area which it has passed laws without becoming bogged down in enforcement details:
3- Valid if:
1- Congress passes enabling legislation (state or federal)
2- Specifies the purpose, functions, and powers
3- Describes the procedures of the agency
Supremacy Clause
Superseding Doctrine: A federal law will supersede any state law in direct conflict
Preemption doctrine: Any state law in an area where Congress intends to occupy the field is unconstitutional (so the states cannot create any statutes attempting to regulate the area)
To uphold a State Statute as valid is must fall in one of the following categories
1- Dormant Commerce Clause
a. Non-discriminatory b. No undue burden on interstate commerce--use a balancing test
2- Police Power–health, safety, welfare, morals, aesthetics of the states citizens
State taxation towards federal government or employees
- The Federal Government is immune from state taxation
- Federal employees and contractors may be taxed in a state as long as the incidence of the tax does not fall on the Federal government itself
To uphold a Federal Statute is be in one of the following categories
1- Supremacy Clause
2- Any enumerated powers of Congress under Article 1, Section 8
3- Federal Property Power
Con Law Approach to every MBE questions, always determine the following:
- Who is passing the law?
- What is the subject matter?
- Match the appropriate power
- Who is affected by the law?
Property Power gives the Federal Government (Congress) the power
Congress has the power to dispose of the territory or other property belonging to the United States
Affectation Doctrine
Congress may regulate any activity which has a “substantial economic effect” on interstate commerce
Regulation of Interstate Commerce is constitutional as long as
The regulation is (1) Non Discriminatory and (2) Does not place an undue burden on Interstate Commerce
Protection of Individual Rights are
Fundamental Rights
- Right to Vote - Right to Travel - Right to Privacy
Equal Protection Procedural Due Process Additional Individual Rights - Ex Post Facto - Bill of Attainder - Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article IV