kapitel socialpsykologi Flashcards
Vad förklarar interaktionen mellan personliga och situationella variabler?
Mänskligt beteende
Beteende kan framkallas av situationen, även om starka personliga övertygelser om moral finns sen tidigare
ex. gruppen eller situationen får dig att göra handalingar som går emot dina värderingar
Vad är Social thinking?
Våran Sociala sida av kognitionen, hur vi ser på oss själva och dom runt omkring oss., och konstruerar sin egna verklighet.
Ex Nelson Mandela
- En gång ansågs vara terrorist, sedan “freedom fighter”
Primacy effect
Rule of thumb in impression formation
- (attach more importance ot initial info we learn about a person)
Recency effect
Tendency attach more importance to recent information about a person
Mental templates, from memory of past experience, which represents your beliefes about yourself in a particular domain
Dimensions you don’t use to describe yourself
- Sporting interests, religious beliefs, etc
Self-discrepancy theory
Distinguishes among of what we currently are
- Actual self
What we ideally hope to become
- Ideal self
and what we think we ought tobecome
- Ought self
Social identity
Part of an individuals identity derived from the knowledge of belonging to particular groups
- Husbands, friends, spouses, but also Britihs, European, Women and academics
Reflected appraisal principle
If others think well of you, you tend to think well of yourself
Judgements about the causes of our own and other people’s behaviour and outcomes
Fundemental attribution error
Underestimate situation impact and overestimate personal factors when explaining other people’s behaviors
-Perceived injustice or perceieved gorup threat is often overlooked whewn it comes to terrorism. They are ‘crazy’ or ‘deranged’
“The slow driver ahead of us is a moron and the fast driver behind us is a lunatic” - George Carlin
Self-serving bias
Tendency to make personal attributions for one’s success and situational attributions for one’s own failures
Personal/Situational attributions har en kulturell skillnad, ex. Indien jämfört med USA när det kommer till åldrande och hur man ser på attributions.
Achieve a positive self-regard..
Regardless of culture, people tend to rate themselves as highly on traits they value most.