Kapitel 8 Flashcards
is a collection whose entries have a hierarchical organization similar to that of an organization chart of a typical company. The president is at the top with lines branching down to vice presidents, etc. etc. No individual in this “company” reports to two different superiors. Each position in a tree is called a node. The node at the top is called the root node. The nodes in the other ends are called terminal nodes or leaf nodes. The depth of the tree is the number of horizontal layers within it.
First in first out, a que structure.
in many respects classes are actually descriptions of abstract data types (whose instances are called objects).
Contigous list
the entire list is stored in one large block of memory, with successive entries following each other in contiguous memory cells.
Static versis dynamic structures
If it changes over time. It is important to consider whether a list will remain a ficed size throughout its existence or expand and shrink as names are added and deleted. Static structures are more easily manages than dynamic ones. If it is static we merely need to provide a means of accessing the various data items in the structure and perhaps a means of changing the values at designated locations. But if the structure is dynamic we must also deal with the problems of adding and deleting entries as well as finding the memory space required by a growing data structure.
Adress polynomial
Aggregate type
a block of data items that might be of different types and sizes.
A pointer Is a storage area that contains encoded addresses tot identifies various cells in a machines main memory. Pointers are used to record the location where data items are stored.
An entity that responds to messages received from other objects. Objects are described by templates known as classes.
refers to the process of backing out of a system in the opposite order from which the system was entered. A stack for example, LIFO, last in first out.