Kapitel 5 (5.1, 5.2): Dative Case: articles and possesive adjectives, Question Pronouns Flashcards
Ernest gives his mother a book.
Ernest schenkt seiner Mutter ein Buch.
What is the function of a noun or pronoun in the dative case?
It designates the person to or for whom something is done.
Sofie gives her boyfriend a kiss.
Sofie gibt ihrem Freund einen Kuss.
Definite article in dative case (m./n., f., pl.)
dem, der, den
Indefinite article in dative case (m./n., f., pl.)
Einem, einer (pl. not applicable)
Negative article in dative case (m./n., f., pl.)
keinem, keiner, keinen
“My” in dative form (m./n., f., pl.)
meinem, meiner, meinen
“Your” in dative case (m./n., f., pl.)
deinem, deiner, deinen
“His” in dative case (m./n., f., pl.)
seinem, seiner, seinen
“Her” in dative case
ihrem, ihrer, ihren
“Our” in dative case (m./n., f., pl.)
unserem, unserer, unseren
Your (“you guys” possesive adjective) (m./n., f., pl.)
eurem, eurer, euren
Jutta is writing a letter to her friend
Jutta schreibt einem Freund einen Brief.
Jens(guy name, i swear) is telling his parents a joke.
Jens erzählt seinen Eltern einen Witz.
How are plural nouns different in the dative case?
They add an “-n” unless they already end in “-n” or “-s”
Def: to explain something to someone
def: to tell someone (a story)
def: to give someone something
to lend someone something
def: to tell someone something
to give someone something as a gift
to whom