Kalitta Gouge Flashcards
Tell me about yourself.
I was born and raised in Ohio and I have been obsessed with airplane for as far back as I can remember. It’s all I ever saw myself doing. I started college at OU where I got my PPL license. I moved to AZ when I was 19. There I took a break from school and work as a ramper at AWA. I did that for 2 years then I returned to school at ERAU. I graduated from there and started working as a GM at Falcon. I decided to get my dispatchers license and went to work at YV.
What are your goals in aviation?
This sounds rehearsed but it’s to fly the 747 and see the world! Seriously. I have a slight obsession with the 747 and it’s been my ultimate goal to fly it before everyone retires them. It breaks my heart to see them being parked as fast as they are right now. Besides that it’s to enjoy my job and be able to provide a decent living for my family.
Tell us about a time where you had a conflict at work.
Go around with Jeff Stoffel.
How did you get into flying?
It’s all I ever wanted to do. It really started with CAP.
Tell us about your career.
What would you do if you lost #4 Hydraulics on the way from Guam to Hong Kong?
The interview question is just to see if you use your resources. QRH, mx control, etc. losing the hyd pump is not a big deal and they want to see you keep going but in a thoughtful manner.
You’re going to have to use a QRH procedure to emergency extend gear/flaps; your normal brakes live on Sys 4 so you’ll have to use alternate breaks. They wouldn’t expect you to know that though; it’s just a CRM and coordinating exercise. Not a whole lot to do on this one until you’re ready to configure, except consider where you’re going and whether they will be able to get you fixed quickly or if it’s better to divert to a nearby MX base–ops should be helping you make that decision
What would you do if you lost an engine from Puerto Rico to Miami?
Obviously run the QRH, talk to DX, MX and determine what the best case scenario is. I believe the 747 is completely capable to continue on 3 engines. If everyone agrees I’d probably continue to MIA where there’s more capability maintenance.
Are you okay with the the type of flying and days gone that are expected of you at Kalitta?
Yes. My wife and I have discussed it in detail and we are both ok with it. 17 days or more is a long time away from home but the 13/14 days at home is worth it. I now have been averaging 12 days off a month, 2/3 at a time and it never allows me the time to really relax. The 14 off will and will allow me more quality time with my family than my current schedule.
Sim Eval Gouge
Give a good take-off brief, brief the approach and get everything set up before take-off. Weather: 400/1 and wind 310/5. Let me emphasize, this is not a check flight, just an evaluation of your performance to fly the assigned, keep the shiny side up, and use good CRM. Flaps-10 take-off from JFK 04R, climbing right turn to 5000’ but told to level off at 3000’ runway heading, 187 Kts for entire flight(all airspeeds are provided by instructor and they request you call “one thousand feet” prior verbally). {Gear-up, After take-off checklist, flaps remain at 10 for duration of flight.} Cleared direct Deer Park VOR/DME. {Cruise checklist.} Hold SE on the 150' radial from DPK, left hand turns, EFC time 35 (teardrop entry) and for co-pilot hold East on the 060’ radial, EFC time 55 (teardrop entry). Make an educated guess while flying, then pass the controls while you draw the holding pattern out and show it to your co-pilot, and the instructor, who is playing the role of FE, for good SA and CRM. Two turns in holding, then told to depart DPK VOR/DME for ILS 22L JFK (use feeder depicted). {A,B,Cs. ATIS, Brief Approach (done during pre-flight), and Checklist-Descent/Approach}. Cleared for the approach. At localizer intercept (they request you call “Localizer capture”), call Flaps-20. At Glideslope movement, Gear-Down, Landing Checklist. At one dot, Flaps-25. At glideslope capture, verbalize “Glideslope-Capture”. Fly the approach down and at 100 feet above mins, call “Approaching Minimums”. At DH, call “Minimums”. Nothing counts below 300’ on the sim eval.
Pitch / Flap Settings
Basic pitch settings; 15 degrees after the plane is off the ground, 10 degrees for initial acceleration, 5 degrees for clean acceleration, and 2.5 degrees for cruise.
its simple, 15, 10, 5, 2.5. it will make you look good
What do you know about Kalitta?
It all begins with Connie “The bounty hunter” Kalitta, a NHRA drag racer in the 80’s & 90’s. I grew up watching him and Big Daddy Don Garlits and John Force racing on TV. He started the airline in 2000 and has been doing charter, ACMI, military work and lately DHL flying. He has a huge MRO operation in Oscado, MI. He operates the last build 744 an ERF and the others came from Malaysian, JAL, Nippon Cargo.
Ever worked with someone you didn’t like?
There were a few that rubbed me the wrong way initially but after taking the time to get to know them we actually hit it off.
Ever disagree with a company rule or policy?
Yes and I discussed them with the powers to be and they ended up adopting them.
Not using the gear pins when pushing out the plane from the hangar.
What don’t you like about your current job?
The long daily hours. The long sits at the airport. A never ending wait to upgrade. Poor pay. No opportunity to move up to bigger aircraft or fly international.
What do your coworkers say about you?
Reliable On Time Efficient Good stick A pleasure to be around.
Why should we hire you over all the other pilot candidates we’re interviewing?
We’re all well qualified I’m sure. I’d just mention my experience in not only the cockpit but also as a ramper and dispatcher.
How did you prepare for your interview with us?
Talked a lot with Sean and his wife and Glen. Reviewed online info and discussions about the airline.
Closing statements.
Thank you again. I hope I was able to convey that I’m the type of pilot and person you’re looking for.
Tell us about you best flying experience.
Flying John’s plane on a 2 day adventure from Seattle to Prescott. All the troubles we had, radio failure, HSI failure. Waiting until tower was closed to get into PRC. Biggest aviation adventure yet and I learned so much.