Kahoot Flashcards
Which of these are non-experimental designs?
A. Cohort study, case control study, crossover RCT
B. Parallel RCT, Survey, Cohort survey
C. Interview study, Survey, Parallel RCT
D. Survey, cohort study, case control study
Positivism is most reflected by which statement?
A. Deductive approach, more then one truth and mathematical proof
B. Research is value free, deductive approach and knowledge can be verified
C. Inductive approach knowledge is constructed not discovered
D. Research is bias free
T or F:
Bias is the deviation from the truth in data collection, analysis, interpretation and publication?
What were some of the methodological issues with the Wakefield Study?
A. There were no problems with the study
B. The study included vulnerable populations
C. The study used the wrong statistical test
D. No statistical significance, no randomization, association not causation
An example of paradigm is
A. Positivism, constructivism, interpretivism
B. Grounded theory , randomized controlled trial, survey design
C. Interviews, quality of life measure, blood glucose monitoring
D. Random sampling, quota sampling, purposeful sampling
A cohort study is good for?
A. Exploring perspectives and opinions from a representative sample
B. Assessing risk factors, harm and prognosis
C. Establishing odds rate between exposure to risk and disease
D. Collecting data at one point in time in relation to exposure and outcome
A cross sectional study is used to?
A. Assess prevalence of disease or risk factor
B. Assess difference in rates of exposure to defined risk factors
C. Risk factor, harm and prognosis
D. Explore experiences and meaning of living with a disease.
T or F:
A case control study is always retrospective?
Which of these are probability sampling techniques?
A. Quota sampling, convenience sampling, volunteer sampling
B. Stratified random sampling, simple random sampling, cluster sampling
C. Purposeful sampling, stratified random sampling, volunteer sampling
D. Cluster sampling, quota sampling, simple random sampling
T or F:
The sampling technique that bests represents an entire population being studied is stratified random sampling
T or F:
Probability sampling ensures that participants are randomly selected and have equal probabilities of being chosen?
Which of these are important to consider for inclusion criteria?
A. Social-demographic background
B. Clinical characteristics
C. Ability to give consent
D. All of the above
Outcomes are main endpoints of interest of a study and are
A. Only decided on and completed at the end of the study
B. Are only individual based
C. Decided a priori and assessed at baseline and follow up
D. All of the above
When using or developing questionnaire, you need to ensure?
A. That the items included measure the construct you are interested in
B. All questions are to be answered by Likert type scales
C. You never use open ended questions
D. You do not test the questionnaire with end users
T or F:
Researchers, clinicians and patients always value the same outcomes
T or F:
PROMS are questionnaires measuring the patients views of their health status
PROMS are important because
A. They are good at dancing
B. They focus on cost, effectiveness or care from the researchers perspectives
C. They focus on efficiency of care from the clinicians perspective
D. They focus on effectiveness of care from the patients perspective