Kafli 1 Flashcards
sovering nations
Countries that govern themselves rather than being controled by a foreign power
globalized markets
A large market created by combining seprate national markets
Global convergence
The spread of common prefrences across national borders. For exaple coca cola
What dod global rivalries force firms to do?
Stay current and also force smaller brands out of the markets. For exaple pepsi and coke have a rivalry that will push smaller soda brands out of the markets
Factors of production
The component parts, skill stes, or information required to produce a product or service, usually classifies as land, labor or capital
globalization of production
The sourcing of land, labor and capital from diffrent nations rather than obtaining everything locally
The search for deals on production across geograpich boundries
flat world theroy
The flat world is a world with free acess to markets, few barriers to competision and consistent enforcement of regulations
10% presumption
The presumption that 10% of activity is conducted gobaly. With 90% being domestic
Multilateral organizations
Organizations formed between three or more nations to work on issues that relate to their joint intrest
Emerging markets
Are countries moving tword open and free market policies
How many common factors help identify an emerging markets
What is the first common factor to help identify emrging markets
Is polotical policies that encourage free trade, privat ownership and foreign investments
What is the second factor that helps identify emerging markets
Is “catching up” level of growth, for example advanced economics or developed markets expirience avrage economic growth of around 2% per year. To be emerging markets should have at least 4%
What is the third factor that helps idientify emerging markets
Is an intermediate income level among citizens