Genealogy of Jesus
Matthew 1 Luke 3
Levi: …Matthew the tax collector-
Matthew 9
Matthew 5
Lord of the Sabbath
Matthew 12
Parable of the sower
Matthew 13 Mark4 Luke 8
John the Baptist beheaded
Matthew 14
Peter’s confession of Christ
Matthew 16
Matthew 17, Mark 9, Luke 9
Steps in biblical church discipline
Matthew 18
Rich Young Ruler
Matthew 19
Triumphal entry:
Matthew 21, Mark 11, Luke 19, John 12
Parable of the wedding banquet:
Matthew 22
Seven woes
Matthew 23
Olivet discourse:
Matthew 24-25
Jesus walks on water :
Matthew 14, Mark 6, John 6
Jesus feeds the 4000 “
Matthew15, Mk8
Luke 2
Parable of the Good Samaritan:
Luke 10
Jesus sends out the twelve
Matthew 10, Mark 6, Luke 9
Jesus questioned about fasting
Matthew 9
The rich man and Lazarus
Luke 16
Luke 19
Jesus changes water into wine
John 2
John 3
The bread of life
John 6
Jesus teaches concerning the true children of Abraham
John 8
Raising of Lazarus
John 11
Washing of the disciples’ feet
John 13
Jesus teaches concerning the coming of the Holy Spirit
John 14,16
Vine and the branches
John 15
Love and unity as a testimony to the world
John 13,17
Recipient of Luke and Acts Theophilus–
Luke 1, Acts I
Couple struck dead for lying to the Holy Spirit Ananias and Sapphira-
Acts 5
Choosing of the seven
Acts 6
First Christian martyr Stephen-
Acts 7
Wanted to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit .Simon the sorcerer~
Acts 8
Saul’s conversion .,
Acts 9
Woman from Joppa who was raised from the dead
Tabitha (Dorcas)-
Acts 9
Acts 10
Predicted severe famine throughout the Roman world
Acts 11
Jerusalem council The church leaders gather to discuss Gentile converts-
Acts 11
Person over whom Paul and Barnabus had a dispute John Mark-
Acts 15
Prophesied Paul would be bound upon his retum to Jerusalem Agabus-
Acts 21
Lydia Seller of Purple; she was converted in Philippi after hearing Paul’s message-
Acts 16
Acts 17
Aquilla, Pricilla and Apollos
Acts 18
Demetrius: Silversmith in Ephesus who made shrines of Artemus and opposed Paul, inciting a riot
Acts 19
Eutychus: Young man who Paul raised after he fell from the window-
Acts 20
Felix: Governor of Caesarea before whom Paul was tried-
Acts 23,24
Festus: Succeeded Felix and inherited Paul’s case-
Acts 24
To whom did Paul give his testimony in the presence of Festus? King Agrippa and his wife Bernice
Acts 25,26
Where was Paul ad the end of Acts? Under house arrest in Rome-
Acts 28
What two old testament saints does Paul use as an example of Justification by faith ? Abraham and
Romans 4
Federal headship
Romans 5
Submission to governing authorities
Romans 13
Phoebe: Servant of the church in Cenchrea-
Romans 16
What church did Paul rebuke for its childlike divisions? Corinth-
l Corinthians 1-6
Expulsion of the immoral brother
I Corinthians 5
Passages in Corinthians regarding Christian liberty
1 Corinthians 6,8,10
Explanation of the Lord’s Supper
I Corinthians 10
Glories of the New Covenant :
2Corinthians 3
Treasures In jars of clay:
2 Corinthians 4
Ministry of reconciliation
2 Corinthians 5
Warning against being unequally yoked:
2 Corinthians 6
Sowing generously ;
2 Corinthians 9
Paul boast about suffering
2 Corinthians 11
Paul’s thorn in the flesh:
2 Corinthians 12
Exhortation to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith
2 Corinthians 13
Condemnation on those who preach another gospel
Galatians 1
Paul explains and defends his call as an apostle
Galatians 1,2
Paul opposes Peter
Galatians 2
Comparison of the children of Hagar and Sarah
Galatians 4
Galatians 5 deals with what subject?
Freedom in Christ and life in the Spirit (The Fruit of the Spirit)
God cannot be mocked
Galatians 6
Ephesians 1:1-14 deals with what subject?
Predestination, Election, and the sealing of the Holy Spirit
Exhortation to be imitators of God
Ephesians 5
Who does Paul address in Ephesians 6:1-9
Children, Parents, Slaves, and Masters
What are the pieces of the armor of God?
Belt of Truth, Breastplate of righteousness, Feet fitted with
the readiness gospel of Peace, Shield of faith, Helmet of salvation, Sword of the Spirit-Ephesians 6
Paul’s prayer for believers love to grow more and more in knowledge
Philippians 1
Imitating Christ’s humility e
Philippians 2
Epaphroditus: Philippian believer who traveled to visit Paul while he was in prison-
Philippians 2
Pressing towards the goal
Philippians 3
Eudia and Syntyche: People in the church at Philippi whom Paul encourages to agree with one another-
Philippians 4
Paul’s teaching regarding anxiety
Philippians 4
Christ’s supremacy in creation
Colossians 1
Comparison of circumcision and baptism
Colossians 2
Do not judge in regards to a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day
Colossians 2
Putting off the old and putting on the new
Colossians 3
Who does Paul address in Colossians 3:18-4:1
Wives, husbands, fathers, children, slaves, masters
Dealing with outsiders”
Colossians 4
Sanctification is a process
1 Thessalonians 4
Coming of the Lord with Trumpet call
1 Thessalonians 4
Revelation of Jesus as burning fire
2 Thessalonians 1
Revelation of the lawless one:
2 Thessalonians 2
Warning against idleness: .
2 Thessalonians 3.- .
Paul warns Timothy against false teachers
1 Timothy 1
For whom does Paul encourage us to pray in 1 Timothy?
F or kings and all those in authority-l
Timothy 2
Women’s conduct in worship and outward apparel
1 Timothy 2
1 Timothy 3:11l deals with what subject?
Qualifications for elders and deacons
Who does Paul address in 1 Timothy 5?
Older and younger men and women, widows, and slaves.
The love of money and true contentment
1 Timothy 6
Flee, follow and fight .
1 Timothy 6
Timothy’s timidity:
2 Timothy 1
Training elders in order to train others
2 Timothy 2
A hymn which Paul quotes as a trustworthy saying
2 Timothy 2
Exhortation to study diligently
2 Timothy 2
Godlessness in last days
2 Timothy 3
Titus 1 deals primarily with what subject?
Qualifications and responsibilities of elders
Who does Paul address in Titus 2?
Young and old men, women and slaves
Washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit
Titus 3
Onesimus: Philemon’s runaway slave who Paul befriended-
Philemon 10
To whom does the writer of Hebrews compare Christ?
Angels-I-2; Moses-3; Joshua-4; Melchizedek
and priesthood-4-10
Warning passages in Hebrews
Hebrews 2,5,12
Hall of fame of faith
Hebrews 11
Our God is a consuming fire
Hebrews 12
What does James say we should consider pure joy? Why?
Trials develop perseverance and maturity James I
Ask God for wisdom
James I
God does not tempt
James I
What is pure and faultless religion?
Caring for orphans and widows, and pursuing holiness-James I
Do what God’s word says
James I
James 2:1-13 deals with what subject?
Don’t show favoritism
Saving faith is accompanied by what?
Works-James 2
To whom does James compare those without works?
Demons-James 2
James 3:1ff deal with what subject?
Taming of the tongue
God opposes the proud L J
James 4 .-
Boasting about tomorrow
James 4
Who does James admonish in James 5:1fJ?
The self-indulgently wealthy
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man
James 5
Who does James say was a man just like us?
Elijah-James 5
What do angels long to look into?
The wonder of our salvation in Christ-l Peter 1
Not with silver or gold but with the precious blood of Christ
1 Peter I
The Living Stone and a chosen people
1 Peter 2
Peter deals with submission to those in authority
1 Peter 2
The shepherd and overseer of our souls”
1 Peter 2
Who does Peter address in 1 Peter 3:1ff?
Husbands and wives
Who does Peter address In 1 Peter 5: 1ff
Elders and young men
Make your calling and election sure:
2 Peter 1
Peter deals with the origin of Scripture:
2 Peter 1
2 Peter 3 deals with what subject?
The Day of the Lord
What is the theme verse 1 John 1 John 5:13 “I write these things to you who believe in the name of
the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. “
-1 John 5: 13
. What were the “things” John wrote as evidences for assurance?
Confession and growing hatred ofsin-1 John 1,3,5 Pursuit of righteousness-1 John 2,3
Obedience–1 John 2,3,5 Love for one another-1 John
Work of the Holy Spirit-1 John 3,4
Belief in Christ-I John 5.
Who does John address in his second letter? The chosen lady and her children-
2 John I
What was the purpose of his second letter? Johns letter
Warning against associating with false teachers-2 Jn 9-11
What was the purpose of his third letter? Johns letter
Walk in the truth together-3 John 3-5
For what are we to contend according to Jude? -
.The faith once deposited-Jude 3
What day did John receive his revelation?
On the Lord’s Day-Revelation I
What churches did John write?
Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergarnun, Thyatria, Sardis, Philadelphia,
Laodicea-Revelation 2,3
What is taking place in Revelation 4 and 5
Worship of Christ as Creator-Revelation4
Worship of Christ as Redeemer-Revelation 5
The seven seals
Revelation 6
Revelation 7,14
The woman and the Dragon
Revelation 12
The Beast out of the sea
Revelation 13
The Lamb’s book of life
Revelation 13.17
The woman and the Beast
Revelation 17
Fall of Babylon
Revelation 18
The context of “hallelujah 11 in Revelation Judgment-
Revelation 19
New Jerusalem
Revelation 21
River of life -
- Revelation 22