<p>Adams sons -Cain, Abel, and Seth, etc.</p>
<p>-Genesis 4,5</p>
<p>Noahs sons Shem, Ham and Japeth</p>
<p>-Genesis 6</p>
<p>Terah Abrahams father</p>
<p>-Genesis 11</p>
<p>Lot Abraham s nephew</p>
<p>-Genesis 11</p>
<p>Isaacs wife C- Rebekah</p>
<p>-Genesis 24</p>
<p>Isaacs brother-in-law Lot</p>
<p>-Genesis 24</p>
<p>Isaacs children: Jacob and Esau</p>
<p>-Genesis 25</p>
<p>Rachael and Leah: .Jacobs wives and the daughters of laban</p>
<p>-Genesis 29</p>
<p>Jacobs sons: , Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar , Zebu</p>
<p>-Genesis 35</p>
<p>Tamar: Judahs daughter-in-Iaw who he mistook for a prostitu</p>
<p>-Genesis 38</p>
<p>Manasseh and Ephraim: Josephs two sons</p>
<p>-Genesis 48</p>
<p>10 plagues: Blood, frog, gnats, flies, livestock, boils, bai</p>
<p>Exodus 7-11</p>
<p>Dividing of the Red sea:</p>
<p>Exodus 14</p>
<p>Manna and Quail:</p>
<p>Exodus 16</p>
<p>Golden Calf: Israels idolatry while under the supervision o</p>
<p>-Exodus 32</p>
<p>New stone tables</p>
<p>-Exodus 34</p>
<p>Nadab and Abihu: Aarons sons who died offering unauthorized</p>
<p>-Leviticus 10</p>
<p>Mainfeasts: Passover, Unleavened Bread, First fruits, Pentec</p>
<p>-Leviticus 23-25</p>
<p>Year of Jubilee: 50th year when all debt was canceled</p>
<p>-Leviticus 25</p>
<p>Jethro: The priest of Midian and Moses father-in-law-</p>
<p>-Exodus 18</p>
<p>First and second census</p>
<p>-Numbers 1, 26</p>
<p>Tribe exempted from military duty Levites-</p>
<p>-Leviticus 1 ..</p>
<p>Test for unfaithful wife: She had to drink holy water mixed</p>
<p>-Leviticus 5</p>
<p>Nazarite vow: Not to cut ones hair during the appointed tim</p>
<p>-Numbers 6</p>
<p>Spies sent to Canaan</p>
<p>-Numbers 13</p>
<p>Korah: .Rebelled against Moses and God causing he and his fo</p>
<p>-Numbers 16</p>
<p>Balaam: Asked to curse the Israelites, but couldnt God spok</p>
<p>-Num 22-24</p>
<p>Trans-Jordan Tribes: Reuben, Gad the Half tribe of Manasseh</p>
<p>-Numbers 32</p>
<p>Cities of refuge: Six cities designated to which a person wh</p>
<p>-Numbers 35</p>
<p>Two men God promised entrance into Canaan Caleb and Joshua</p>
<p>-Deuteronomy 1</p>
<p>Blessings and curses: Curses from Mt Ebal and blessings from</p>
<p>-Deuteronomy 27</p>
<p>Covenant renewal</p>
<p>-Deuteronomy 29</p>
<p>Moses successor: Joshua</p>
<p>-Deuteronomy 31</p>
<p>Rahab: Prostitute in lericho who helped the two Israelite sp</p>
<p>-Joshua 2</p>
<p>Circumcision at Gilgal: All the Israelites who had been born</p>
<p>-Joshua 5</p>
<p>Joshua 6</p>
<p>Achans sin: Kept back a portion of forbidden spoils and con</p>
<p>-Joshua 7</p>
<p>Gibeonite deception: Dressed in tattered clothes and said th</p>
<p>-Joshua 9</p>
<p>Sun stands still: To give Israel more time to route the Amor</p>
<p>-Joshua 10</p>
Judges 3
The Judges: Ehud, Shamgar-
The Judges: Deborah, Barak-Judges 4-5;
Deborah, Barak-
The Judges: Gideon Judges 6-8;
The Judges: Tola,Jair Judges 10
The Judges: Jepath- Judges 10-12
The Judges: Ibzan, Elon, Abdon Judges 12
Ibzan, Elon, Abdon-
The Judges: Samson Judges 13-16
The Judges: Eli and Samuel 1 Samuel 3
Eli and Samuel
Othiel Ehud Shamgar Deborah Barak Gideon Tola Jair Jepatha Inzn Elon Abdon Samson Eli Samuel
The Judges:
<p>Delilah: Philistine woman who deceived Samson-</p>
<p>Judges 16</p>
<p>Tribe Israel turned against-Why? -8 Benajamin due to immoral</p>
<p>Judges 19,20</p>
<p>Elimelech: Ruths deceased father-in-law Naomis husband-</p>
<p>Ruth 1</p>
<p>Hannah: Elkanahs barren wife whom God blessed with Samuel-</p>
<p>l Samuel1</p>
<p>Hophi and Phineas: Elis wicked sons-</p>
<p>l Samuel 2</p>
<p>Dagon: The Philistine god which fell face down in the presen</p>
<p>l Samuel5</p>
<p>Tumors and death</p>
<p>I Samuel 5</p>
<p>Kish: Father of King Saul-</p>
<p>1 Samuel 9</p>
<p>David and Goliath</p>
<p>I Samue1 17</p>
<p>David and Jonathan</p>
<p>I Samuel 18</p>
<p>Noh Where the priest gave David the show bread for him and h</p>
<p>l Samuel 21</p>
<p>Nabal A wealthy Carmelite who refused David and his men food</p>
<p>l Samuel 25</p>
<p>Ziglag Destroyed by the Amalekites who took all it inhabitan</p>
<p>l Samuel 30</p>
<p>Endor: A town of the tribe of Manasseh where Saul consulted</p>
<p>l Samuel 28</p>
<p>Jonathans cripple son: Mephibosheth-</p>
<p>2 Samuel 9</p>
<p>Uriah: A Hittite solder in Davids army. He was killed in f</p>
<p>2 Samuel 11</p>
<p>Bathsheba: Beautiful wife of uriah the Hittite and later Dav</p>
<p>2 Samuel 11,12</p>
<p>Nathan: Prophet and royal advisor to David-</p>
<p>2 Samuel 7; 12</p>
<p>Ammon and Tamar</p>
<p>2 Samuel 13</p>
<p>Absoloms conspiracy and Death</p>
<p>2 Samuel 15</p>
<p>Davids mighty men</p>
<p>2 Samuel 23</p>
<p>Ahishag: Called on to keep David Warm in his old age-</p>
<p>-l Kings 1</p>
<p>Adonijah: A son of David executed by Solomon for trying to u</p>
<p>I Kings 1</p>
<p>Solomon asks for wisdom</p>
<p>I Kings 3</p>
<p>Huram: Sought by Solomon for the building of the temple due</p>
<p>1 Kings 7</p>
<p>Queen of Sheba</p>
<p>I Kings 10</p>
<p>Reheboam Son of Solomon/king when the 10 tribes revolted to</p>
<p>I Kings 12</p>
<p>Jeroboam: First king of Israel after the division of the Kin</p>
<p>1 Kings 11-14</p>
<p>Elijah fed by ravens</p>
<p>I Kings 17</p>
<p>Miracle of with flour and jar of oil: .The widow and her son</p>
<p>1 Kings 17</p>
<p>Elijah on Mount Carmel: Elijah faced off with 450 prophets o</p>
<p>1 Kings 18</p>
<p>Jezebel: Threatened Elijah for killing the prophets of Baal.</p>
<p>-1 Kings 19,21</p>
Elijah taken up to heaven
2 Kings 2
Naman: Healed from leprosy when he washed in the Jordan seven tirnes
-2 Kings 5
The Floating ax-head:
2 Kings 6
Joash: Crowned king at seven; he restored the temple—
2 Kings 11-12
Samaria resettled: king of Assyria brought foreigners to replace the Israelites in Samaria-
2 Kings 17
Manasseh: Son of Hezekiah; an evil king of Judah who sacrificed his son to Molech-
2 Kings 21
Zedekiah: King of Judah when Nebuchadnezzar took Judah into captivity in Babylon-
2 Kings 25
Cyrus: King of Persia who allowed the Jews to return-
2 Chronicles 36; Ezra I
Darius: Persian king during the time of rebuilding-
Ezra 4
Xerxes: Persian king during the time of rebuilding-
Ezra 4
Artexerxes: Persian king during the time of rebuilding-
Ezra 4
Mass divorce: God commanded the people to divorce because they had married followers of other
Ezra 10
Who opposed Nehemiah’s rebuilding? Sanballat and Tobiah-
Nehemiah 4
How long did it take to rebuild the walls? 52 days-
Nehemiah 6
Ezra reads the law
Ezra 8
Vashti: King Xerxes’ wife-
Esther I
Job’s counselor’s Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar and Elihu
-Job 2,32
Hallel of Egypt
Psalms 113-118
Psalms of ascent
Psalms 120-134
Psalms of Asaph
Psalms 72-83
A time for everything:
Ecclesiastes 3
Jeremiah at the Potter’s house
Jeremiah 18
The righteous branch
Jeremiah 23
Two baskets of figs
Jeremiah 24
Cup of God’s wrath
Jeremiah 25
Where did Jeremiah flee? Egypt-
Jeremiah 41
Baruch: Jeremiah’s scribe-
Jeremiah 45
New covenant passage in Jeremiah and Ezekiel
Jeremiah 31 and Ezekiel 36
Vision of a windstorm, four living creatures, and intersecting wheels Ezekiel
-Ezekiel 1,10
The cooking pot
Ezekiel 24
Ezekiel’s prophesy against the shepherds
Ezekiel 34
Valley of dry bones
Ezekiel 37
Specifications for new temple
Ezekiel 40-42
Daniel’s three friends: Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah (Shadrack, Mechech, Abednego)
-Daniel 1
Fiery furnace:
” Daniel 3
Writing on the wall
Daniel 5
Lion’s den
Daniel 6
Seventy sevens
Daniel 7,9
Son of Man
Daniel 7
Hosea’s wife Gomer-
Hosea 1
Joel’s prophesy against Judah Swarming Locusts-
Prophesy concerning Pentecost
Joel 2
Amos ‘ occupation: Shepherd of Tekoa-
Amos 1
Locust, plumbline, basket of ripe fruit
Amos 7,8
Restoration of David’s fallen tent
Amos 9
“Golden rule” of the Old Testament
Obadiah 15
Jonah’s destination (by calling by flight) Ninevah Tarshish-
Jonah I
Prophesied against Ninevah other than Jonah:
Prophet of Justification by faith:
Habakkuk 2:4 (Romans 1:17 and Galatians 3:11)
Prophesy against the sinful neglect of rebuilding the temple
“I will make you my signet ring, for I have chosen you” Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel
A crown for Joshua the High Priest His name is Branch
-Zechariah 6
Holy to Me Lord will be inscribed on the bells of the horses
Zechariah 14
Prophet speaking concerning marriage, divorce and tithing
Malachi 2,3