Juvenile Justice C1 Flashcards
Vocab memorization
Judgement or action on a petition filed with the juvenile court.
Adjudication hearing, adjudicatory hearing
Formal proceeding involving a prosecuting attorney and a defense attorney in which evidence is presented and the juvenile’s involvement is determined by the juvenile judge; about one-fifth of all jurisdictions permit jury trials for juveniles under certain circumstances.
Adversarial Proceedings
opponent-driven court litigation in which one side opposes the other; prosecution seeks to convict or find defendants guilty, while defense counsel seeks to defend their clients and seek their acquittal.
Describes wide variety of programs and services available to juvenile offenders; includes halfway houses, psychological counseling services, employment assistance, and medical treatment designed to assist youth released from residential placement and ease their integration back into society.
Beyond a reasonable doubt
Evidentiary standard used in criminal courts to establish guilt and innocence of criminal defendant and utilized in delinquency proceedings.
Conditional dispositions
Results of a delinquency adjudication that obligate youth to comply once or more conditions of a probation program, such as reinstitution, community service, work-study, therapy, educational participation, or victim compensation.
Judgements of a court, based on a jury or judicial verdict of on the guilty pleas of defendants, that the defendants are guilty of the offenses alleged.
Court Reporters
Court officials who keep a written word-for-word and/or tape-recorded record of court proceedings.
Courts of Record
Courts in which a written record is kept of court proceedings.
Criminal Justice
An interdisciplinary field studying the nature and operations of organizations providing justice services to society; consists of lawmaking bodies, including state legislatures and congress, as well as local, state, and federal agencies that try to enforce the law.
Curfew Violators
Youth who violate laws and ordinances of communities prohibiting them from being on the streets after certain evening hours, such as 10:00pm; curfew itself is a delinquency prevention strategy.
Deinstitutionalization of status offenses
Eliminating status offenses from the broad category of delinquent acts and removing juveniles from or precluding their confinement in juvenile correction facilities; the process of removing status offenses from the jurisdiction of juvenile court so that the status offenders cannot be subject to secure confinement.
Dependent and neglected children
Youth considered by social services or the juvenile court to be in need of some type of intervention, supervision, or placement due to circumstances in their homes or families that are beyond their control.
To decide the sanction to be imposed on a juvenile following an adjudication hearing.
Sanction resulting from a delinquency adjudication; may be nominal, custodial, or conditional.
Disproportionate Minority Confinement (DMC)
Refers to the number and percentage of minority youth in correctional custodial institutions (e.g. detention centers, residential facilities, and juvenile secure placements); the rate of confinement for youth in these correctional environments exceeds their representation in the general youth population; in amendments to the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, Congress directed states to gather data and attempt to address this disproportionality.
Get Tough Movement
View toward criminals and delinquents that favors harsh punishment and penalties for crimes or delinquent acts; any act toward strengthening or toughening sentencing provisions or dispositions that invaded adults or juveniles.
Hard time
Also known as flat time. The actual period of secure confinement juveniles must serve as a result of a custodial disposition from a juvenile court judge.
Critical phase in which a determination is made by a juvenile probation officer or other official to release juveniles, detain juveniles in formal detention facilities for a later court appearance, or to release them to parents, pending a later court appearance.
Intake Hearings
Proceedings in which a juvenile court professional, such as a juvenile probation officer, conducts an interview with a youth charged with a delinquent or status offense and his/her parents or guardian to determine the best strategy for dealing with the behavior that resulted in the referral to court.
Intake officers
Juvenile probation officer or other court representative who conducts screenings and preliminary interviews with alleged juvenile offenders and their families.
Juvenile Delinquency
Violation of the law by a person; violation of the law by any youth which is handled by juvenile courts; by juvenile court jurisdiction; whatever the juvenile court believes should be brought within its jurisdiction; violation of any state or local law or ordinance by anyone who has not yet achieved the age of their majority.