Jurors Flashcards
,Qualifications it
●Juries Alt 1974sets out qualifications
●chosen at random from eloctare
●must be over 18or under76
●lived in the uk as an ordinarily resident or channel islands or isle of man for 5 years after 13 th bday
●In addition, must not be detained or resodent in whospital under mental health order
●must not be disqualifed from jury service
●court should be reasonably close to where person lives
●Deaf jurors: June 1995 dear man prevented from sitting a jury as the sign language interpreter was with him, judge pointed out that this would mean an extra person would be in the jury room, not allowed by law
●judge may discharge a person if they feela juror has lack of capacity to cope with the trial this could be due to not understanding English or a disability e.g deaf so cant see pictures
●If on bail disqualifed from jury and have to pay£5K if fail to inform
excusals/other situations
●Deaf jurors: June 1995 dear man prevented from sitting a jury as the sign language interpreter was with him, judge pointed out that this would mean an extra person would be in the jury room, not allowed by law
●judge may discharge a person if they feela juror has lack of capacity to cope with the trial this could be due to not understanding English or a disability e.g deaf so cant see pictures
●If on bail disqualifed from jury and have to pay£5K if fail to inform
●members of the force:may be excused if their commanding officer certifies that their absence from auty would be pre-judicial to the efficency of the service
●lawyers and police are eligible