Juries- lay people (1) Flashcards
What makes someone eligible for jury service
Must be between 18 - 75 years old
Must have been a UK resident at least 5 consecutive years.
Must be on the electoral register.
The four things that may stop someone from doing jury service.
Two examples of what would permanently and temporary disqualify a person from jury service
Permanent disqualification; Life imprisonment, sentenced to prison term of 5 years or more.
Temporary (10year) disqualification; Subject to a prison term or suspended sentence in the last 5 years, served community order in the last 10 years.
Reasons why someone would be ineligible for jury service
Other people e.g. mental disordered persons, are considered to be ineligible.
Reasons why someone would be excused from jury service
The juries act 1974 says people who do not wish to do jury service must apply to the court for a discretionary excusable which will excuse a person permanently from jury service.
Examples of why a person may be excused from jury service
A long term illness.
Disability e.g. blind, deaf.
Do not understand English well enough.
Is a serving army officer.
Already been a juror
whats a Deferal
S9 Juries Act 1974 allows for a temporary deferral which means that a person may be able to have their jury service postponed (no more then 12 months) till a more convenient time. There must be a good reason for this.
Examples of why someone may be given a temporary deferral
Religious holidays.
Work commitment.
Child care commitment.
Pre-booked holiday.
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Who used to not be able to sit as a juror and why
Police officers, judges and lawyers could not sit as a juror before the Criminal Justice Act 2003 because the jurors may just follow them because they have legal knowledge/ it may sway their decisions.
whats the 1st stage of jury selection.
Names are selected from the electoral register at random by a computer (responsibility of the central summoning bureau)
what’s the 2nd stage of jury selection
Summons are sent to those people whose names have been selected.
What happens when you are summoned for jury service.
Those summoned must notify the court if there is any reason they cannot do jury service.
If summoned, you are expected to attend for a minimum of two weeks jury service, though if a trial is expected to last for longer, jurors will be asked if they can serve.
what is the Two types of challenges (of the jury) which can be made.
Challenge of the whole jury.
Challenge to the juror.
What’s the 3rd stage of jury selection
This means ‘checking’. Potential jurors can be checked for their suitability. Two types of checks can be carried out.
4th stage of jury selection
At court the court clerk selects 12 jurors from 15 at random. The defence then have the right to challenge the jury.
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At court the court clerk selects 12 jurors from 15 at random. The defence then have the right to challenge the jury.