Parliamentary law making (2) Flashcards
what are the 3 main bodies that make up our law making process?
- house of commons
- house of lords
What is the house of commons
Made up of 650 Mps who are elected by the pubic.
Must be a general election every 5 years. Each Mp represents a local area.
what is the house of lords
made up of life peers, hereditary peers and senior bishops of the church of england.
They bring expertise to the house and law making process.
What is the monarch
This is the king. The monarchs signature is needed on a bill before it can become law.
What are the 3 types of bills
- public bill
- private bill
- private members bill
what is a bill
a proposed act of parliment
What is a public bill and who is it created by?
involves matters of public policy that will affect the whole or large proportion of the country.
Created by the government
What is the example of a public bill?
The police and criminal evidence act 1984.
What is a private bill and who is it created by?
Only affects individuals or corporations. they are promoted by organisations like local authorities or private companies.
what is the example of a private bill?
the faversham oyster fishery company act 2017.
What is a private members bill and who is it created by?
to change or make laws that apply to the general population.
It is a type of public bill, its just how its brought in.
Only members of the House of commons can bring them in (MPs)
what is the example of a private members bill?
the abortion act 1967
what is the pneumonic to remember the parliamentary law making process.
green winged dragons fly slowly clockwise round the old ruin
1- Green paper
contains general proposals
2- White paper
detailed proposals are set out after initial consultations