juries Flashcards
Which Act outlines who is eligible for jury service?
S1 Juries Act 1974 as amended by the Criminal Justice Act 2003
Who is eligible for jury service? (3 points)
1) You must be 18-75 years old
2) You must have been a UK resident for at least 5 years consecutively since 13th Birthday
3) You must be on the electoral register
Give 3 examples of what kind of mental disorder would make a person unfit for service in a jury:
1) If they have any mental disorder under the Mental Health Act 1983
2) If they have a psychotic disorder (personality)
3) If they are a resident of an institution or hospital attending a medical practitioner for treatment
What Act explains disqualifications from jury service?
Juries Act 1974, as amended by CJA 2003
Give 2 examples of when a person would be permanently disqualified from jury service:
1) If they are serving a life sentence
2) If they have received a sentence of 5 years or more at anytime in their life.
Give 3 examples of when a person would be temporarily disqualified from jury service:
1) If they have been subject to a prison term or suspended sentence below 5 years
2) If they are on bail
3) If they are serving a community order
When would a person be incapable of serving on a jury?
If there is a physical disability that will affect the potential juror’s ability to fulfil their role
Give 2 examples of when a person would be Incapable of serving on a jury:
1) Being Deaf
2) Being Blind
Which Act allows for excusal or deferrals?
S9 Juries Act 1947
Give 5 examples of when a person could get an excusal or a deferral:
1) religious holidays
2) exams
3) work commitments
4) Childcare commitments
5) PAID holidays
Where are names selected from in order to get people to do jury service?
Electoral Register
If you have been summoned to jury service, why must you notify the court if you can/cannot go?
You could face a £1000 fine
How long are you expected to serve as a jury member if summoned?
10 working days (2 weeks)
What is vetting?
Potential jurors can be checked for their suitability.
What are the 2 types of checks that can be carried out on a potential juror?
1) Police Checks
2) Wider background checks