Junior Pre-test Flashcards
What is the most common magnifying lamp magnification?
5 diopters
How long can a properly maintained magnifying lamp last ?
10 years
What color will thin or dehydrated skin appear as under a woods lamp ?
light violet
What type of skin has a blue-white appearance under a woods lamp?
normal, healthy skin
How many times should a brush machine be used on each area of the face ?
3 times for about 3-5 seconds
What is considered to be the most important machine used in esthetics ?
How far should steam be kept from the face when you are using a steamer ?
15-18 inches
How do mineral deposits commonly appear on a steamer ?
white or yellow crusty film on the heating element
What can the vacuum machine be used in place of during a facial service ?
How should the vacuum be used on clients ?
slow horizontal movements on moistened or damp skin
What are the 2 most common types of electrodes use with the galvanic machine ?
flat and roller
What type of solution can be used as a desincrustation fluid for anaphoresis ?
baking soda in water
What does cataphoresis do ?
calm and soothe nerve endings?
What is not a benefit of the high frequency machine?
helps prevent coagulation
What color light should appear when using the large mushroom electrode of a high frequency machine on normal to oily skin ?
What is not a method by which exfoliation can be accomplished ?
What is the average rate of cell turnover for those 50 and older?
42-84 days
A pH of less than —– is not recommended for salon peels
What is not a contraindication for chemical exfoliation ?
oily skin
What is an example of beneficial ingredient for mature or sensitive skin?
aloe vera
How often should you recommend a series of AHA treatments to clients ?
every three to four months
How many times do you rinse the skin after removing chemical exfoilant during a mini procedure ?
at least six times
What is photdynamic therapy primarily used to treat ?
actinic keratosis
What class of medical device are lasers and IPL machines ?
class IV
What type of LED light is used for rejuvenation ?
What color light is considered stimulation when using theraputic lamps for color therapy ?
What condidion is a contraindication for microcurrent?
Pitta is a combinnation of what 2 elements?
fire and water
Where are most body products applied first when performing a body scrub?
What statement about preoperative care is correct ?
Part of the estheticians role is to help the patient stay calm
body mask
treatment that remineralizes and detoxifies the body using primarily clay mud or seaweed mixtures
body wrap
treatment where product is applied on the body and then covered or wrapped up
body scrub
treatment that uses friction to exfoliate and hydrate, increase circulation, and nourish skin using a combination of ingredients
treatment that uses water in its 3 forms, ice,,steam, liquid
treatment of physical ailments useing theraputic water baths
stone massage
technique of using hot stones and cold stones in massage or other treatments
technique of applying pressure to the feet based on a system of zones and areas on the feet that directly correspond to the anatomy of the body
indian philosophy of balancing life and the body through various methods, based on 3 doshas
japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing
treatment for cellulite that helps stimulate the reduction of adipose tissue by a vacuum massage that combines vigorous massage along with suction
use of electrical devices for theraputic benefits
hot towels
these are used for both face and body treatments
magnifying lamp
also referred to as a loup
various powers of magnification on a mag lamp
woods lamp
filtered black light used to illuminate fungi, bacterical disorders, pigmentation problems, and other skin problems
skin scope
Larger skin analysis tool that uses a UV light with an interior mirror
rotary brush
this is used to lightly exfoliate the skin
vacuum machine
device that sucks dirt and impurities from the skin and stimulates the dermal layer and lymphatic and blood circulation
galvanic current
this is used to create chemical desincrustation and ionic iontophoresis
chemical reaction that transforms sebum into soap
process of introducing ions of water soluable products into the skin by using an electric current
use of galvanic current to create an alkaline chemical reaction that emulsifies of liquefies sebum and debris
atom or molecule that carries and electrical charge
infusion of a positive product
infusion of a negative product
high-frequency machine
apparatus that utilizes an alternating current and produces and heat effect
cell renewal factor
rate of cell mitosis and migration from the dermis to the top of the epidermis
jessner’s peel
this contains lactic acid, salicylic acid and resorcinol in an ethanol base
glycolic acid
strong AHA derived from sugar cane
form of mechanical machine exfoliation that uses a powerful electonic vacuum.
medical device used for hair removal and skin treaments
light therapy
application of light rays to the skin for the treatment of wrinkles, capillaries, pigmentation, or hair removal
devie that mimics the way the brain relays messages to the muscles
form of technology used for product penetration and cellulite production
this is caused primarily by female hormones and genetics
type of wrinkle treatment that uses intense pulse light to bypass the epidermis and stimulate collagen in the dermis
removes excess fat at the jawline
removes fat and skin from the upper and lower eyelids, making them less baggy and crinkled looking
transconjunctival blepharoplasty
performed inside the lower eyelid to remove bulging fat pads
surgery that enlarges the breasts or reconstructs them
laser resurfacing
used to smooth wrinkles or lighten acne scars
surgically removes pockets of fat
TCA peel
deep peel used for sun damage and wrinkles
phenol peel
strongest peel available
minimizes varicose veins and other varicosities by injecting chenical agents into the affected area
makes a nose smaller or changes the appearance in some way
manual lymph drainage
stimulates lymph fluid to flow through the lymphatic system
strong exfoliation method that uses a mechanical brush to physically remove tissue down to the dermis
removes fat deposits and loose skin from the abdomen to tuck and tighten the skin