JUNG Flashcards
Jung’s theory is called?
Analytical Psychology
Analytical Psychology rests on the assumption that ______ phenomena can and do influence the lives of everyone.
Jung believed that each of us is motivated by emotionally toned experiences called ______.
Collective Unconscious
True or False:
We are motivated by our repressed experiences.
False - we are not just motivated by our repressed experiences but also by certain emotionally toned experiences inherited from our ancestors.
Components of collective unconscious.
The most comprehensive archetype that can only be achieved by attaining a balance between opposing forces of personality.
True or False:
Jung’s theory is a compendium of opposite.
True or False:
For Jung, people are both conscious and unconscious.
True or False:
Religion and medicine were prevalent in Jung’s family.
Jung’s maternal grandfather that is known as a believer in a occult and often talk to the dead.
Samuel Preiswerk
Describe Jung’s mother number 1 personality.
> Practical
Describe Jung’s mother number 2 personality.
> Unstable
His mother’s number 2 personality is called ______.
Night Personality
During his ________ years, he gradually became aware of the 2 aspects of himself.
Describe Jung’s number 1 personality.
Extraverted and objective
Describe Jung’s number 2 personality.
Introverted and subjective.
This woman relates to Jung’s number 1 personality.
His wife, Emma Rauschenbach
This woman relates to Jung’s number 2 personality.
Antonina ‘Toni’ Wolff
She was a former patient whom Jung had an intimate relationship for 5 years.
Sabina Spielrein
Jung and Toni Wolff’s relationship lasted for how many years?
About 40 years.
True or False:
Like Freud, Jung based his theory on the assumption that the mind has conscious and unconscious level.
This is the center of consciousness
_______ images are sensed by the ego while _______ images have no relationship with the ego.
Conscious ; Unconscious
True or False:
Ego is the core of personality
False - self
This is the center of personality.
True or False:
In a psychologically healthy person, the ego takes a primary position.
False - ego takes a secondary position to the unconscious self.
True or False:
The self should be conscious.
False - it is largely unconscious.
True or False:
An overemphasis on expanding one’s conscious mind can lead to psychological imbalance.
This level of the mind contains repressed infantile impulses & experiences as well as forgotten events.
Personal Unconscious
This is formed by our individual experiences.
Personal Unconscious
True or False:
Our personal unconscious is unique to each of us.
The content of personal unconscious is called ______.
This is an emotionally toned conglomeration of associated ideas.
True or False:
Complexes are largely personal.
This level of the mind has roots in the ancestral past of entire species.
Collective Unconscious
True or False:
Personal unconscious is inherited from our ancestors.
False - Collective Unconscious
True or False:
Collective Unconscious is our distant ancestors’ experiences with universal concepts like God, earth, and mother.
This level of the mind produces big dreams.
Collective unconscious.
These dreams have meaning that are beyond the individual dreamer and filled with significance for people of every time and place.
Big dreams
True or False:
The personal unconscious does not refer to inherited ideas but rather to humans’ innate tendency to react in a particular way
False - collective unconscious
These are ancient or archaic images that derive from the collective unconscious.
True or False:
Archetypes have a biological basis but originate through the repeated experiences of humans’ early ancestors.
What are the 8 archetypes?
- Persona
- Shadow
- Anima
- Animus
- Hero
- Wise Old Man
- Great Mother
- Self
The side of personality that people show to the world.
True or False:
The concept of the persona may have originated from experiences with his No. 2 personality.
False - No. 1 personality,
The archetype of darkness and repression.
What is the first step of courage?
To know our shadow.
Represents those qualities we do not wish to acknowledge but attempt to hide from ourselves and others.
True or False:
Jung disagreed with Freud that all humans are psychologically bisexual and possess both a masculine and a feminine side.
False - both of them believed that humans are psychologically bisexual.
The ______ influences the feeling side in man and is the explanation for certain irrational moods and feelings.
The masculine archetype in women.
The ______ is symbolic of thinking and reasoning.
The preexisting concept of mother.
Great Mother
What are the 2 opposing factors of great mother?
- Fertility and nourishment
- Power and destruction
This force of great mother is capable of producing and sustaining life.
Fertility and nourishment
This force of great mother is capable to devour and neglect her offspring.
Power and destruction
Fertility and power combine to form the concept of ______.
Archetype of wisdom and meaning
Wise old man
Symbolizes humans’ preexisting knowledge of the mysteries of life.
Wise old man
The _______ archetype is personified in dreams as father, grandfather, teacher, philosopher, guru, doctor, or priest.
Wise old man
True or False:
The wise old man is also symbolized by life itself.
Represented in mythology and legends as a powerful person, sometimes part god, who fights against great odds to conquer evil.
This archetype is our inherited tendency to move toward growth, perfection, and completion.
True or False:
The hero is the archetype of archetypes.
False - self
This is the symbol of the self archetype.
It represents the strivings of the collective unconscious for unity, balance, and wholeness.
Only four archetypes have been drawn in this mandala, and each has been idealistically depicted as being the same size. What are they?
- Persona
- Shadow
- Anima
- Animus
True or False:
The mandala represents the perfect self, the archetype of order, unity, and totality.
Holds that present events have their origin in previous experiences.
Holds that present events are motivated by goals and aspirations for the future that direct a person’s destiny.
This is the adaptation to the outside world involves the forward flow of psychic energy.
This is the adaptation to the inner world relies on a backward flow of psychic energy.
True or False:
Progression inclines a person to react consistently to a given set of environmental conditions. Whereas regression is a necessary backward step in the successful attainment of a goal.
This is our predisposition to act or react.
What are the 2 psychological types?
Attitudes and Functions
2 types of attitudes.
Extraversion and Introversion
4 types of attitudes.
- Thinking
- Feeling
- Sensing
- Intuiting
The turning inward of psychic energy with an orientation toward the subjective.
The attitude distinguished by the turning outward of psychic energy so that a person is oriented toward the objective
True or False:
Extroverts are tuned in to their inner world with all its biases, fantasies, dreams, and individualized perceptions.
False - introverts
True or False:
Extroverts tend to focus on the objective attitude while suppressing the subjective.
True or False:
People are neither completely introverted nor completely extraverted.
It is the logical intellectual activity that produces a chain of ideas.
Rely heavily on concrete thoughts.
Extraverted Thinking
Introverted Thinking
Extraverted Thinking
Introverted Thinking
Extraverted Thinking
Extraverted Thinking
React to external stimuli, but their interpretation of an event is colored more by the internal meaning.
Introverted Thinking
When carried to an extreme, introverted thinking results in unproductive ________.
Mystical thoughts
The process of evaluating an idea or event.
True or False:
Feeling is the evaluation of every conscious activity and most of these evaluations have no emotional content.
True or False:
Any of the four functions can lead to emotion when their strength is increased.
Use objective data to make evaluations.
Extraverted Feeling
People base their value judgments primarily on subjective perceptions.
Introverted Feeling
These people have an individualized conscience and a taciturn demeanor.
Introverted Feeling
Extraverted Feeling
Art Critics
Introverted Feeling
Extraverted Feeling
They are likely to be at ease in social situations.
Extraverted Feeling
They are usually well liked because of their sociability, but may appear artificial, shallow, and unreliable.
Extraverted Feeling
This function receives physical stimuli and transmits them to perceptual consciousness.
People perceive external stimuli objectively, in much the same way that these stimuli exist in reality.
Extraverted Sensing
People are largely influenced by their subjective sensations of sight, sound, taste, touch, and so forth.
Introverted Sensing
They are guided by their interpretation of sense stimuli rather than the stimuli themselves.
Introverted Sensing
When the subjective sensing attitude is carried to its extreme, it may result in _______.
Portrait Artists
Introverted Sensing
Extraverted Sensing
House Painters
Extraverted Sensing
Wine Tasters
Extraverted Sensing
This function involves perception beyond the workings of consciousness.
True or False:
Intuiting differs from sensing in that it is more creative, often adding or subtracting elements from conscious sensation.
They are oriented toward facts in the external world.
Extraverted Intuiting
True or False:
Intuitive people suppress many of their sensations and are guided by hunches.
They are guided by unconscious perception of facts that are basically subjective and have little or no resemblance to external reality.
Introverted Intuiting
Introverted Intuiting
Introverted Intuiting
Introverted Intuiting
Childhood is the ______ sun.
Early morning
Youth is the ______ sun.
Middle Life is the _______ sun.
Early afternoon
Old Age is the ______ sun.
This stage of development is full of potential but still lacking in brilliance or consciousness.
What are the 3 phases of childhood?
- Anarchic Phase
- Monarchic Phase
- Dualistic Phase
This stage of development is the climbing toward the zenith, but unaware of the impending decline.
This is the stage wherein young people strive to gain psychic and physical independence from their parents, find a mate, raise a family, and make a place in the world.
This is one of the major difficulty of youths in which they have the desire to live in the past.
Conversative Principle
This stage of development is brilliant like the late morning sun, but obviously headed for the sunset.
Middle Life
This stage of development is once bright consciousness now markedly dimmed.
Old Age
True or False: Jung believed that death is the goal of life and that life can be fulfilling only when death is seen in this light.
True or False:
If middle-aged people retain the social and moral values of their early life, they become rigid and fanatical in trying to hold on to their physical attractiveness and agility.
This phase of childhood is characterized by chaotic and sporadic consciousness.
Anarchic Phase
This phase of childhood is characterized by the development of the ego as well as the start of verbal and logical thinking, in which children refer themselves in the third person.
Monarchic Phase
This phase of childhood is characterized by the ego being divided into subjective and objective.
Dualistic Phase
This process of coming to selfhood means that a person has all psychological components functioning in unity, with no psychic process atrophying.
True or False:
People who have gone through the process of self-realization have achieved realization of the self, minimized their persona, recognized their anima or animus, and acquired a workable balance between introversion and extraversion.
True or False:
The self-realized person must allow the unconscious ego to become the core of personality.
False - unconscious self
The process of becoming an individual or whole person.
This is also known as psychological birth / individuation.
True or False:
The original purpose of using the word association test was to demonstrate the validity of Freud’s hypothesis that the unconscious operates as an autonomous process.
The basic purpose of the word association test in Jungian psychology today is to uncover feeling-toned _______.
The word association test is based on the principle that complexes create measurable _______ responses.
Jung agreed with Freud that dreams spring from the depths of the unconscious and that their latent meaning g is expressed in symbolic form. However, he objected to Freud’s notion that nearly all dreams are _______ _______.
Wish Fulfillments
The purpose of Jungian dream interpretation is to uncover elements from the personal and collective unconscious and to integrate them into _________ in order to facilitate the process of self-realization.
3 types of dreams according to Jung.
- Big dreams
- Typical dreams
- Earliest dreams remembered
These dreams have special meaning for all people.
Big dreams
These dreams are common to most people that usually include archetypal figures.
Typical dreams
These dreams can be traced back to about age 3 or 4 and contain mythological and symbolic images.
Earliest dreams remembered
This method requires a person to begin with any impression and to concentrate until the impression begins to move.
Active Imagination
In ________ ________, the person must follow these images to wherever they lead and then courageously face these autonomous images and freely communicate with them.
Active imagination
The purpose of active imagination is to reveal _______ ______ emerging from the unconscious.
Archetypal images
Jung believed that active imagination has an advantage over_____ _____ in that its images are produced during a conscious state of mind, thus making them more clear and reproducible.
Dream analysis
Jung identified four basic approaches to therapy, what are they?
- Confession of the pathogenic secret (catharsis)
- Interpretation, explanation, and elucidation
- Education of patients as social beings
- Transformation
In the first stage of therapy, this method is used for patients to share their secrets.
True or False:
The second stage of Jung’s psychotherapy, it will give the patients insight into the causes of their neuroses, but may still leave them incapable of solving social problems.
True - this was also used by Freud (Interpretation, explanation, and elucidation)
True or False:
By transformation, he meant that the therapist must first be transformed into a healthy human being, preferably by undergoing psychotherapy.
True - Only after transformation and an established philosophy of life is the therapist able to help patients move toward individuation, wholeness, or self-realization.
About two thirds of Jung’s patients were in the second half of life, and a great many of them suffered from ______? Give 2.
- Loss of meaning
- Fear of death
- General aimlessness
The ultimate purpose of Jungian therapy is to help neurotic patients become healthy and to encourage healthy people to work independently toward __________.
In word association test, the therapist must record these 4 responses:
- Verbal response
- Time taken to make a response
- Rate of breathing
- Galvanic Skin response