June 19 Flashcards
To prosecute or defend (a lawsuit or legal action); pursue (a legal case).
- Not having the qualities associated with active, living organisms.
- Not animated or energetic; dull.
(rɪˈmɪt)1. To transmit (money) in payment.
a. To refrain from exacting (a tax or penalty, for example); cancel.
b. To pardon; forgive: remitted their sins.
3. To restore to a former condition or position.
4. Law
a. To refer (a case) to another court for further consideration or action.
b. To refer (a matter) to a committee or authority for decision.
5. To allow to slow down: The storm remitted its fury.
- Frankness or sincerity of expression; openness.
2. Freedom from prejudice; impartiality.
- Drowsy; sleepy.
2. Inducing or tending to induce sleep; soporific.
- To hold fast or adhere to something, as by grasping, sticking, embracing, or entwining: clung to the rope to keep from falling; fabrics that cling to the body.
- To remain close; resist separation: We clung together in the storm.
- To remain emotionally attached; hold on: clinging to outdated customs.
- Inclined not to be harsh or strict; merciful or indulgent: lenient parents.
- Not harsh or strict; merciful or generous: lenient rules.
To put up with; tolerate: We will brook no further argument.
(ˈfæð əm lɪs)
- impossible to measure the depth of; bottomless.
- impossible to understand; incomprehensible.
(dĭ-sĭst′, -zĭst′)To cease doing something. See Synonyms at stop.
- A form used for calculating, comparing, or analyzing data.
- A form with questions or exercises for students.
come up
- To manifest itself; arise: The question never came up.
- To rise above the horizon: The sun came up.
- To rise, as in status or rank: a general who came up from the ranks.
- To draw near; approach: came up and said hello.
think up
(tr, adverb) to invent or devise: to think up a plan.
make up
- To put together; construct or compose: make up a prescription.
- To constitute; form: Ten years make up a decade.
- To alter one’s appearance for a role on the stage, as with a costume and cosmetics.
- To apply cosmetics.
- To devise as a fiction or falsehood; invent: made up an excuse.
come up with
To bring forth, discover, or produce: came up with a cure for the disease.