July 9 Flashcards
hatchet man
- A man hired to commit murder.
2. One assigned to carry out a ruthless task or a vicious or unscrupulous order.
Causing horror and repugnance (1. Extreme dislike); frightful and shocking: a gruesome murder.
plain; unattractive: a homely mongrel; lacking refinement: a homely country boy
dj, -lier or -liest
- humble or low in position, rank, status, etc
- full of humility; meek
- simple, unpretentious, or plain
(ˈbʌsəl) (when: intr, often foll by about) to hurry or cause to hurry with a great show of energy or activity
- Remote; distant.
2. Widely distributed; wide-ranging.
n. Music
An unaccented beat in a measure.
adj. (ôf′bēt′, ŏf′-) Slang
Not conforming to an ordinary type or pattern; unconventional: offbeat humor.
fling, flung, flung
- To throw with violence: flung the dish against the wall. See Synonyms at throw.
- containing or abounding in nuts
- resembling nuts, esp in taste
- informal Also: nutsy insane; crazy
(ˈbɑːbərəs) adj 1. uncivilized; primitive 2. brutal or cruel 3. lacking refinement
split; divided; a crack or crevice; an indentation between two parts, as of the chin