July week 2 words and sentences Flashcards
I cannot go to work
pai thamngaan mai dai
I did not go to work
mai dai pai thamngaan
In 6 months, I will take my partner to Italy
iik hok duan jà phaa faan pai Italy
To live there? To travel?
pai yuu? pai thiaw?
sai sua kan naaw
which season do you like most?
chop ruu-duu/naâ arai thii sut?
sorry / excuse me
everything looks very beautiful
thuk yaang duu suay maak
I like the rainy season but I like summer the most
chop naâ fon ns taawaa chop ruduu roon thii sut
go hiking
pai deen paa
I will sleep all day
jà noon thang wan
when (not a question)
weelaa also means “time”
what do you like to do when you go to the beach?
weelaa khun pai thalay, chop tham arai baang?
baang = expect an answer with two or more elements
go out
ook pai thiaw
keep trying / don’t give up
suu suu
nae nam
neigh nam
I am ready already
proóm laáw
are you ready?
proóm mai?
same time as [person]
proóm kap [person]
I know already
chan ruú laáw
difficult to pronounce
oòk siang yaàk
how old are you?
khun aayú thaô rai?
same city
muang diaw kan
moo-ung dee-ow gun
This week, have you done laundry yet?
aathít nií sák phaâ ruú yang?
rot tuû
rot doo
letter box
tuû jòt maay
doo jot my
tuû yen
I have to send email
toông sòng email
I got the email already
dâi ráp email laáw
I just received the power bill
chan phuûng dái khaâ fai
I just washed my clothes last weekend
phûung sák phaâ saw aathit thîi laáw
every two weeks
soong aathít khrang
mii kwaam sukh
have you checked email yet today?
wanií check email ruu yang?
have you paid the electricity bill yet this month?
duan nií jaày khaâ fai ruú yang?
do you have the number for Pro Language yet?
khun mii ber Pro Language ruú yang?