Judges: Deborah Flashcards
________ were the ________ firm the time of the _______ who outlived Joshua until the time of the _______.
The ________ ________ of judges is best seen in Judges 2:16, “ ______________________.”
Principal purpose
Then the Lord raised up judges who saved them out of the hand of those who plundered him.
God was _________ to Israel that He was their ultimate _____ and _______.
Judge and Deliver
The book of Judges describes the life of Israel in the promise _______ _____ from the _________________________.
promise land
death of Joshua to the rise of the monarchy
Often the book of judges reveals accounts of apostasy, _______ _____ _______.
provoking devine chastement
The book of judges also shows Israel making ____ ______ to God ______________- moving the Lord to raise up leaders (_______) who throw off foreign oppressors and ___________________.
urgent appelas
in times of crisis
restore the land to peace
Israel had made it to the ______ ______, the ________ led by Joshua had ended.
promise land
Many of the _______ _______ God had made to the _________ had been fulfilled.
Covenant promises
The time had come for Israel to be the ____ _____ in the form of an ___________________.
Kingdom of God
establish commonwealth of the earth
In Canaan Israel ________ _______ the ____ ___ _____ that had established her as a nation and had brought her to the land.
quickly forgot
acts of God
Consequently, Israel ______ ______ of her ____ _______ as God’s people.
lost sight
unique identity
Israel settled down and attached herself to _____ ______, __ _______, _____________.
Canaans people
Canaans moral
Gods religious beliefs and practices
Throughout the book of judges is the ______ ________ of the ____ ___ ____ in Israel.
fundamental issue
Lordship of God
God’s _________ over Israel had been uniquely established by the covenant at ________ (Exodus 19-24), renewed by Moses on the _______ (Deuteronomy 29) and by Joshua at ___________(Joshua 24)
Mt Saini
In the book of Judges, we see Israel __________________ again and again.
rejecting the kingship of the Lord
The recurring indictment is “__________________________” (Judges 17:6)
In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
What we can learn from Deborah
- Even in male dominant culture God still had a place for women
- When the battle is too tough for you God places the right person in your life
- Sin is gory and messy