Joseph Flashcards
The narrative of Joseph includes ________ through ____.
Genesis 37
Joseph is one of the ___ ______ born to Jacob (Israel).
12 sons
Joseph was the oldest of two children born by ___ ____ ____ ____.
Jacobs favorite wife Rachel
The concept of _____ shows up again as Joseph becomes Jacob’s _____ son.
We are told Jacob_____ Joseph more than the others.
We also learn that Jacob made Joseph a ___ ____ _____ ______.
Coat of many colors
If that is not bad enough, Jospeh shared his dreams(_____ ______) with his brothers that he would one day ____ ____ _____.
Prophetic Dreams
rule over them
The other siblings eventually ____ ______ to kill Joseph in the wilderness.
Plot together
______ convinced the others to throw Joseph into a _____, while he secretly planned to come and rescue him.
cistern (well)
While Reuben was away the others _____ Joseph to some _____ passing by.
To _____ what they had done the siblings dipped ____ _____ in animal blood and told their father a wild animal had killed Joseph.
the coat
Eventually Joseph was sold by the merchants to an Egyptian named _______.
Joseph became the ____ ______ of Potiphar’s household.
official supervisor
Potiphar realized God looked _______ on Joseph and blessed all he did.
Unfortunately, Potiphar’s wife attempted to ______ Joseph many times.
Genesis 39: 11-18 These verses remind us that in verse 8?
Trust is a valuable thing
Genesis 39:11-18 These verses remind us that in verse 9?
Sin affects everyone it is ultimately a sin against God.
Genesis 39:11-18 These verses remind us that in verse 11?
Sin is always crouching at the door.
Genesis 39:11-18 These verses remind us that in verse 12?
Sometimes the best thing to do is RUN.
Joseph was _____ _____ and thrown into jail.
Falsely accused
Because of his God given ability to ____ _____ Joseph was released from jail and made ruler in Egypt second only to the king.
interpert dreams
Joseph interpreted that the dreams the king had to mean there would be ___ _____ of a bountiful harvest followed by ___ _____ of famine.
7 years
7 years
Joseph was put in charge storing up the ______ and then ______ it to the Egyptians and foreigners during the famine.
Josephs family ended up coming to the Egypt __ ____ ____ from Joseph, fulfilling Joseph’s childhood prophecy that his ____ ____ _____ ____ ____.
to buy grain
family would bow before him
Jacob and his family eventually come to _____ in Egypt. Before he died, Jacob blessed Joseph’s two sons and gave thanks to God for HIs goodness: “I never expected to see your face again, and now God has allowed me to see your children too” (Genesis 48:11)
Genesis 50:15-21
When bad things happen to good people, remember…..
- god sees into the future the things we cannot see in the present
- God can take the worst of situations and accomplish something amazing.
Genesis 50:20
As for you, meant evil against me, but God meant it for good.