Judaism Questions Flashcards
What are the 3 books of the Tenakh
The Torah
The Nevi’im
The Ketuvim
What is Ketuvim
A book of the Tenakh containing writings
What is the Nevi’im
A book of the Tenakh containing prophets books
What are the 6 orders (sections) of the Talmud
Seeds Festivals Women Damages Holy things Purities
What language is the Talmud in
What might some reasons be for prejudice and discrimination
Fear Upbringing Scapegoating Envy Genes Ignorance Stereotyping
Ten tests that God gave to Abraham
1) God tells him to leave his homeland
2) As soon as he arrives in the promised land, he encounters a famine
3) Egyptians capture his wife, Sarah, and bring her to Pharaoh
4) Abraham faces incredible odds in the battle of the four and five kings
5) He marries Hagar after being unable to have children with Sarah
6) God tells him to circumcise himself at an advanced age
7) The king of Gerar captures Sarah
8) God tells Abraham to send Hagar (his new wife) away after having a child with her
9) His son, Ishmael becomes estranged
10) God tells him to sacrifice his only son Isaac upon an altar.
What does Eternal mean
What does benevolent mean
All loving
What does omnipotent mean
All powerful
What is monotheism
Belief in only one God
What does omniscient mean
All knowing
What does transcendent mean
Beyond (we will never understand him)
What does omnipresent mean
Where did Moses receive the Torah
Mount Sinai
The mishnah was arranged in six orders (parts) each one know in Hebrew as a _________
Advantages of studying the talmud (4)
It is accurate
You can interpret it how you wish
You can learn Aramaic
The commentary is helpful
Disadvantages of studying the talmud
It is quite complicated
Difficult to understand
Without the commentary you would struggle especially since it’s in Aramaic
As Jews pray, the _______ arm is placed across the chest facing the heart so that the word of God enters both the head and the heart
What is the reason that God gives for commanding Jews to wear a tallit
So that they can look at the tassels and remember the commandments
What is the effect of lots of Jewish men wearing tallits
It creates a sense of community
List 3 things you are NOT allowed to do on Shabbat
No public transport - only walk
No being creative or even writing
Not allowed to rub something out that’s been written
Cannot carry things (kept in the sanctuary)
What is the importance of the Tallit
They’ve got tzittzits on them which remind them of the 613 rules
What is used to read the Torah
A yad
Why is 10 an important number
10 commandments
10 plagues sent by God
10 days of repentance in a year
10 tasks were sent to Abraham
Benefit of a minyan
Brings the community closer together especially in a small town
Why is there a ner tamid in synagogues
To show that God is eternal and everlasting
How do feature and symbols of a synagogue reflect temple worship
Prayer hall faces towards Jerusalem where the temple was
The bimah - raised platform, a feature that was in the temple
What does the aron hakodesh hold
The torah - the original ten commandments
Why do Jews observe kosher law
It’s in the Torah
It’s healthy
What makes a food kosher
If it has BOTH split hooves and chews the cud then it is kosher
How is Yad Vashem used as an educational centre
International school
100,000 books
How is Yad Vashem used as a remembrance center
It has an archive of names and testemonies
Large collection of documentation
Many photographs
What remains of the Holy Temple
The wailing wall
Name 2 things Jews must do in order to follow kashrut
No road kill
Blood must be drained
No cross contamination
What are Jewish laws on alcohol
Not forbidden as long as it’s Kosher.
After it is bottled it must only be handled by Jews
Additives and utensils must be kosher
3 kosher foods
3 Trefah foods
Most birds
All vegetables and dairy products are __________
Are women allowed to wear Kippahs
Only in reform
Why do Jews wear Kippahs
Reminds them that God is above them
Shows she is proud to be Jewish
Says that they should do so in the Talmud
What does Leviticus say about Jewish dress
‘Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard’
Don’t mix wool and linen
How might the Bet Din help someone
Any religious problem May help someone convert to Judaism Divorce issues Money issues Child issues (IVF, Adoption) Monitor Kosher restaurants
Where might a Brit Milah take place
Baby’s home
According to Jewish faith what could a boy be responsible for from the age of 13
His actions
His faith
Part of the Minyan
What does a boy do for the first time following his 13th birthday
Read in Shabbat service Wear a tallit Lead service Make short speech Lead prayers
Why are there classes in the synagogue
To help a boy prepare for his Bah Mitzvah
After a boys Bah Mitzvah what might the Rabbi do
Attend a celebratory meal
Speak about the Torah
Praise and encourage the boy to take his responsibilities seriously
A girl becomes a Bat Mitzvah at the age of ____
How does a girl celebrate her Bat Mitzvah in the orthodox tradition
By enjoying a family meal at home
What does the London School Of Jewish Studies teach girls from the Orthodox tradition
Study of their faith
The role in keeping a Jewish home
Practice the making of Challah bread for Shabbat
What are the challenges to a family unit
Higher divorce rates Greater geographical spread (of wider families) Hectic lifestyle Financial pressure Electrical divices
Role of a father
Financial and religious support
Study of the Torah and ensure that his family does so too
Role of a mother
Ensure the home is kosher
Prepare for Shabbat - begin the weekly shabbat ceremony + other festivals
Teach daughters their future roles as mothers
Perhaps focus on career but only in Reform
Jews are not allowed to ___________ the body they must be buried
What must happen while the body is awaiting burial
Someone must stay with it
Candles lit
What must happen after the body is washed
It is wrapped in a plain linen shroud and a tallit
What happens to someone’s tallit after death
One of the tzitzits is removed because prayer is no longer required
What are the rules on coffins
Everyone must have a simple coffin to show equality
Where is the coffin taken for a funeral
To a cemetry
NOT the synagogue because it is considered a place of life
What does everyone do before leaving the funeral
Wash their hands to symbolise leaving death behind
What is the Jewish law about tombstones
Everyone must have one so that nobody is forgotten
Flowers are not used to remember the dead but visitors may place a small __________ on the grave
Jews believe that living correctly and following rules will influence what happens after _________
During the immediate mourning faze, a close friend prepares a meal. What is in this meal and what is it called?
Eggs (resembles new life) and bread.
The meal of condolence
What happens during the ‘shiva’ period
Mourners sit on low stools or the floor.
They are not allowed mirrors, they cannot change clothes, they cannot bathe nor have sex, in other words ‘no comfort’.
They must also pray thrice a day
What happens during the lesser mourning faze
Normal life may resume however they cannot attend parties.
During the lesser mourning period what must male mourners say in the synagogue daily
How do young Jews find a partner
Dating agency
Met at synagogue
Traditionally parents found their child’s partner. This is still used by some _______________ Jews who believe that a matchmaker (____________) is actively working on God’s behalf
How long is betrothal in Judaism
About 12 months
In Jewish law, betrothal has legal status and so can only be broken by _________ or ____________
Death or divorce
Why is marriage important to Jews
It means that they can have sex
It means that they can have a baby which keeps the faith alive
The Torah says it’s good
In what condition can mitzvoth be broken + example
All 613 can be broken if it helps save life
E.g. Man at risk of death can be driven to hospital and treated on Shabbat
E.g. Sick people are not expected to fast during Yom Kippur
What are Jewish views on Euthenasia
Because life is so valuable, nothing to bring death more quickly is permitted
On their death bed, what will a Jewish person do
Make a final confession and recite the Shema
No Jew shall die alone
In _____________ Judaism, those present on first hearing of the death of a loved one, will traditionally make a small _______ in their clothes. Reform Jews are more likely to _____ a neck tie or wear a torn _______ __________
Black Ribbon
Example of Prejucidice