Judaism Practices Flashcards
• A synagogue provides a space for Jews to meet and take part in a wide range of actvities from worship and
Prayer to community meetings and social clubs
A many branched candlestick
Star of david
A six pointed star that represents king david who ruled israel in the tenth century
Synagouge worship and prayer
Provides a space for worship and communal prayer
A group of at least 10 adults
Synagouge social activities
Host a variety of activities for children,teenagers ane adults in thier social hall
Syangouge charitable events
Helps jews to donate thier time and money to charity
Aron Hakodesh (the ark)
Cabinage where the torah scrolls are kept its in the holiest place in the synagouge
ner tamid
Ever burning light that is kept on at all times and sitsabove the ark it sybolises gods presence
The reading platfrom is reaised platform from where the Torah is read
Public worship
Services in the synagouge are les by either a rabbi a cantor (a person who leads or chants prayers in the synagouge)
Orthodox services
Synagouges usually hold daily services
The service is in hebrew
Men ans women sit seperateky
The person leading has his back to the congregation
the singing in the service is unaccompanied