Judaism Key Terms Flashcards
Anti semitism
Prejudice and hostility towards the Jews
Ark of the Covenant
The wooden chest that held the tablets inscribed with the 10 commandments. The temple of Jerusalem became the home of the Ark
Chosen People
The idea that God chose the Jewish people to be the keepers of His covenant on Earth. The concept of Chosen is reciprocal with humanity choosing God and God choosing humanity
As used in the Bible, a solemn and binding agreement between God and humanity
A greek word meaning “sowing of seed” or “dispersal” and in the context of Jewish history, diaspora is the word referring to the Jewish population living outside of Israel.
The significant event in which Moses led the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land. The word “exodus” means “going out” or ‘departure’
Process of conversion to Judaism
The mass murder of 6 million jews during WW2 by Nazis
Hebrew term for holocaust, meaning destruction
Holy Ark
A cabinet like structure in a synagogue that houses the Torah scrolls
The literature, customs, rituals, artifacts, etc. which are of particular relevance to Judaism
A small circular cap worn by Jewish men
Fulfilling the requirements of Jewish dietary laws of Kashruth
Means ‘anointed one’. Jews hope that a great king will come lead them.
The quorum of 10 men/women over 13 years of age required for worship.
A commandment from God, the act of performing a good deed, the most well known mitzvah are the 10 commandments
Promised Land
The area of Canaan that the Hebrews believed were promised to them by God
A person who receives a message from God and delivers that message to God’s people. The message belongs to God with the prophet acting as God’s messenger.
A Jewish scholar or teacher, especially of the law; a person appointed as the Jewish religious leader
A place for congregational worship that emerged during exile and became important in the period after the destruction of the temples in 586 BCE and 70 CE. Synagogues continue to be the central place of worship for Jews today
A prayer shawl
The Jewish Bible, consisting of the Torah (Laws of Moses), The prophets and the Writings
Refers to the Laws of Moses as well as the rest of the Hebrew scriptures and the entire belief system of the Jewish faith. The word Torah is often translated as meaning ‘law’ but a more accurate translation is ‘teaching’ or ‘instruction’
Western Wall
The remaining part of Herod’s temple in Jerusalem where Jews traditionally pray and lament on Fridays
A movement originally for the reestablishment of a Jewish nation and now for the development of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.