Judaism Key Terms Flashcards
An agreement of mutual faithfulness, like a contract or alliance, between two parties; “I will be your God and you shall be my people”; the agreement binds the parties together with mutual privileges and obligations
A word meaning “the anointed one”
The scattering of Jews outside of Israel in both ancient and modern times
Central and Eastern European Jews and their descendants
Primarily Spanish, Portuguese, and North African Jews and their descendants
Jews who observe a form of strict Orthodox Judaism. One of the main Jewish Mystical teachings are Hasidism (eighteenth century). The founder of Hasidism was Israel Ben Eliezer (1698-1759), also known as Ba’al Shem Tov. He taught that communion with God happened through prayer, good deeds, humility and joy. He’s best known for his humorous stories in which people encounter God as they do the simplest chores.
From the Hebrew word for “catastrophe,” “calamity,” or, “holocaust”; if refers to Nazi Germany’s deliberate attempt to exterminate the Jewish race between 1933 and 1945
Tikkun Olam
Reform Jews also stress Tikkun Olam (repairing the world through social action)
Secular Jews
An ethnic Jew who is not religious
the systematic killing of over 6 million Jews before and during WWII
movement that began in the 19th century for the purpose of creating a Jewish state in what is now modern Israel; today “Zionism” refers to strong support for the State of Israel; today it refers to strong support for the state of Israel
Hebrew word meaning “Sabbath”
Rosh Hashanah
means “Head of the Year.”
Yom Kippur
day of atonement; holiest day. During the time period from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, called the “Days of Awe”, jews turn inward and remember that God will be their judge at the end of time. The 10 days of celebration end with Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement. On Yom Kippur, a solemn day of fasting, Jews seek reconciliation with God. Anyone who has sinned against another person must atone for it by reconciling with that person and with God.
A rabbi blows the shofar. The ram’s horn is blown many times during the Rosh Hashanah synagogue service as a celebration of God’s creation and a heralding of the Messiah and the beginning of the new year