Judaism Beliefs Flashcards
What do jews not believe about God
2 beliefs God is lawgiver and God
God gives jews the 613 commandments for jews to follow
God judges Jews on how well they follow the laws
2 ways people keep promise made to abraham
God would offer protection and land to Abraham and his descendants, but they must follow the path of God
God commanded a physical sign of his covenant with Abraham - that every male descendent be circumcised and people are still doing that today
2 ways jews show key morals of prinicpals
Contributing to social justice close social justiceMaking sure that all people are treated fairly as jewish people believe they have a special responsibility to follow God’s laws
Healing the world, reducing pollution and recylcing plastic
Free will
The ablitiy of people to make their own decisions
Jewish rules or commandments
What do jews believe about free will
God has given humans free will
Good actions lead to a life of fulfilment and bring jews closer to God
Bad actions don’t bring people closer to God in life or death
Use of the mitzvot
Give guidance to jews on how to use their free will correctly
Mitzvot between man and God
These are mitzvot that tell jews how they can improve their relationship with God
Sanctity of life
Refers to the idea life is sacred and holy as it has been created by God
Pikuach nefesh
Jews have a duty to save someone’s life
Why is active euthanasia and murder wrong
Jews believe sanctity of life means they should not do anything to quicken a person’s natural death
Examples today how jews can break the shabbat
Driving a sick person to hospital
Perfoming a life-saving operation
Bringing about what is right and fair
Covenant at sinai
The covenant between God and moses which requires jews to follow God’s laws in return for his protection and blessing
Where were the 10 commandments first written on
Carved on 2 tablets of stone
Terms of covenant of sinai
God protects jews from harm and be their God
In return jews obey his laws
Promised land
Land of Canaan which God promised to Abraham and the jews
Covenant between Abraham and God
God promised Abraham he’d be the father of many nations
In return Abraham was required to live a life dedicated to God
What did people worship before God
Statues of many different Gods
How was the covenant between Abraham and God sealed
Circumcising humself and all males in his household
How did God keep his side of covenant with abraham
God made it possible for Abraham’s wife Sarah to conceive though she’s very old
A future leader of jews who will rule over humanity with kindness and justice
Messianic age
When the world is united in peace