Judaism Flashcards
Jewish Sabbath, from Friday at sundown until Saturday at sundown.
Ceremonial family blessing and meal friday night to welcome Sabbath
Challah (Hallah)
The special braided bread baked specially for the Sabbath meal.
family ceremony to mark the end of the Sabbath.
(noun) the term which describes the Jewish “kosher” dietary laws.
(adjective) describes food as fit or proper in Judaism.
Treif (trayf)
Means “torn” - describes un-kosher food.
Pareve (parve)
describes foods which are considered “neutral.”
Brit Mila (bris)
covenant Biblical circumcision for Jewish males.
Bar Mitzvah
ceremony where 13-year old Jewish boys become “son of the commandment.”
Bat Mitzvah
In Reform Judaism - similar to Bar Mitzvah for 12-year old girls
means “walk” or “way” - describes the body of Jewish law and practice.
the most sacred prayer in Judaism - repetition in Hebrew of Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Talit (Talis)
Jewish “prayer shawl” with colored bands and fringes.
Talit Katan (small Talis)
a linen undershirt with fringes worn by some orthodox men
Biblical Hebrew term for “fringe” - the fringes on the Talit prayer shawl
Tefilin (Phylacteries)
Small leather prayer boxes bound to the head and arm during prayer.
means “doorpost” - a small container with a scripture passage inside.
Kippa (Yarmulke)
Jewish “skull cap” worn by males for prayer and sacred occasions.