Islam Flashcards
The Main Types of Islam
Sunni (majority), Shi’ite (large minority), Sufi (small mystic minority)
holy scripture book of Islam
Islamic traditions and history (about Muhammad) not in the Quran
the term for the collective body of Islamic law required of society
When was Muhammad born?
570 AD
When did Muhammad marry Khadija?
595 AD
When did Muhammad receive the first revelation? - the night of power
610 AD
What happened to Muhammad in 619 AD?
His wife and his uncle, who basically raised him, died. Also - Muhammad’s Jerusalem vision - the night journey
AD 630
Muhammad conquers Mecca, and cleanses the Ka’ba of all its idols
Muhammad’s political capital
5/6 Articles of Islamic belief
- Doctrine of Unity (one-ness) of Allah
- Doctrine of Prophethood
- Doctrine of the Book
- Doctrine of Final Judgment
- Doctrine of Angels and Jinn
- Doctrine of Predestination
Genies - some good, some bad
Islamic holy day
Friday “al-Juma”
5/6 Pillars of Islam
- Testimony “Shahada”
- Prayer “Salat”
- Religious Tax “Zakat”
- Fasting “Sawm”
- Pilgrimage to Mecca “Hajj”
- Holy Struggle or Holy War - “Jihad”
Salat/ prayer - how often?
5 times each day facing Mecca
tower of each mosque
prayer call
9th month - yearly fasting month, dawn to sundown
2.5% (a 40th part) given to local Waaf (religious endowment)
Answers to test!
- F
- H
- I
- A
- D
- J
- B
When did Muhammad die?
632 AD
Caliph/ Khalif
Regent of the Messenger of Allah