Judaism Flashcards
What does “Shema” mean?
What is the most often said prayer in Judaism?
The Shema
Where is the Shema taken from?
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
How often is the Shema said?
twice daily
What are two characteristics to define Judaism?
1) Abrahamic faith
2) monotheistic
What is the difference between being ethnically and religiously Jewish?
ethnically Jewish = born Jewish (Judaism is passed down matrilineally)
religiously Jewish = not necessarily born into, but you practice the faith
Was Judaism always a monotheistic religion?
early Judaism was possibly henotheistic –> belief/recognition that other people have other gods, but this group has one god who is recognized as the singular god
What are the meanings of Abraham’s name?
“Father is exalted,” “Father of many nations,” “First patriarch”; father of the Jewish nation
When do historians place Abraham?
somewhere in the era of 2000 o 1600 BCE
In the Jewish faith, who discovered God?
Who was Abraham?
an Aramean shepherd and herdsman from the Fertile Crescent (lived in the city of Ur)
Who is Abraham’s wife?
What were Abraham and Sarah originally called in Genesis?
Abram and Sarai (names are changed after they enter the covenant)
What covenant did Abraham and his descendants form with God?
El Shaddai
What does El Shaddai mean?
“God of the mountain”
Who were Abraham’s sons?
Isaac (with Sarah) and Ishmael (with Hagar)
What does Ishmael mean?
“God hears” (because God hears Ishmael’s cries in the desert after he and Hagar are cast off; God provides them with a well)
When Sarah wants Hagar and Ismael banished, what does God tell Abraham?
to listen to Sarah
Where does the name Isaac come from?
comes from the word “laugh” because Sarah laughed with disbelief when she found out she was pregnant
What does Isaac become?
the next Jewish Patriarch
What does Ishmael become?
the next Muslim Patriarch
Who is Jacob?
son of Isaac and Rebekah; after he wrestles with an angel his name is changed to Israel which means “to struggle/triumph with God”
Who is Joseph?
son of Jacob and Rachel; he is the favorite son and receives a multi-colored coat; interprets dreams for the Pharaoh and is saved after being sold into slavery by his jealous brothers
What is a covenant?
a binding agreement between God and his chosen people; a covenant is repeatedly renewed
What is the difference between a covenant and a contract?
unlike a contract, a covenant has no date of expiration
What is the covenant with Abraham?
If Abraham is faithful to God, God promises to make Abraham a father and promises him the land of Canaan (Israel); God tells Abraham that he will be the father of a great and numerous nation
How is God recounted in the book of Genesis?
One God, El, El Shaddai
What was the role of animal sacrifice in ancient Judaism?
animal sacrifices were conducted as acts of worship, often sealed covenants
What is animism?
different elements of nature have spirits within them (animate vs inanimate objects)
What was the role of animism in ancient Judaism?
possible animistic practices; importance of certain trees, rocks, etc. when humans interact with God
What are the three names for God in the Hebrew Bible?
1) El/Elohim
2) Yahweh
3) Adonai
What is El/Elohim and how is it used?
“God/gods”; general name
El Shaddai = God of the mountains
El Elyon = God most high
El Olam = God everlasting
What is Yahweh and how is it used?
YHWH; not spoken out loud; personal name revealed on Mt. Sinai to Moses
What is Adonai and how is it used?
“Lord/sir”; honorific name used as replacement/protective name for God
What does Exodus mean?
“going out”
How many sons did Jacob have?