Judaism Flashcards
The Torah
-The leader of Judaism (no central authority leader)
-Open to interpretation
-has first 5 books of the Tanakh (Pentateuch)
-Tells God’s will
-How to live - circumcision
-We are created in the image of God
-first 5 books of the Tanakh
-Genesis, exodus, Leviticus, numbers, and Deuteronomy
-2 accounts of creation: 1) male and female born at the same time, 7th day = saturday. 2) Adam born first, Eve born from his rib. Normal story of Adam and Eve everyone knows.
-With the mosaic covenant, fleeing pharo with the slaves, parting the red sea, and trip to the holy land.
- Book of Joshua: 2 years to reach the holy land
-Book of Judges: 200 years to reach the holy land
-Oral Torah
-texts Moses received at the top of Mt. Sanai (Mishna + Gemara)
Legal rulings made by rabbis
Nohide Code
-no false idol worship
-don’t curse God
-no murder
-no adultery
- theft
-cruelty to animals
dietary laws
God is everything and all powerful
creation is a mistake
Ein Sof
explosion, we are little parts now trapped in an upside down worl
-Wife = Sarah: cranky, problematic, doesn’t want to move to Canaan, no children
-First Challenge: God tells him to move to Canaan, land of flowing milk and honey
-Son with Hagar named Ishmael, not God’s will
-Angel comes and tells Sarah she will have a son, she laughed because she is 90
-Sarah gives birth at 91 to Isaac. They force Hagar and Ishmael to leave
Final Challenge: God tells Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Stops him last minute
son of abraham
has 2 sons: Jacob and Esau
Jacob (AKA Israel)
12 sons and 1 daughter - 12 tribes of Israel
Start worshipping bulls (Be’al) so family is driven into slavery in Egypt
-Mom put him in a basket on the Nile, and he is found by Pharo’s daughter. Grows up in an Egyptian palace
-Angel of God visits him as a bush in flames, tells him to return to Egypt, and demands that Pharo free the slaves
Pharo doesn’t want to, so God sends a series of punishments (1st born sons killed, diseases) so Pharo frees them
-Pharo changes his mind and chases after them. Moses parts the red sea and the Egyptians are killed.
-Violate the covenant many times so God purposely gets them lost, took 5 years.
-Gets 10 commandments on Mt. Sinai