Islam Flashcards
Importance of Abraham
-Abraham had 2 sons: Ishmael (Isma’il) and Isaac
-Abraham and Isma’il built worship site for God - Ka’bah
-Same site as Adam’s OG place of worship of God. Holiest sanctuary on Islam
-third Abraham tradition
Prophet Muhammad
-Not worshipped
-Stories and sayings preserved in the Hadith –> sketch the model of his life in the Sunnah
-dad died before he was born, mom died when he was 6, and uncle takes care of him after
-worked as a shepherd and then managed caravans under Khadijah
-the angel Gabriel appeared o him when he was 40 on a Ramadan retreat
-illiterate but retained messages perfectly. - wrote in Qur’an
-drew up 5 pillars of islam
-Muhammad’s written record of revelations
-written in Arabic, 114 chapter
-Major themes: Monotheism and Social Justice
-Must be clean to touch it, never touch the floor, has healing/soothing effect
-Angels (only in the heavenly realm) and archangels (can appear in human form)
-2 biggest sins: Shirk (idolatry) and Kufr (disbelief)
-last judgment day - all souls will be awakened and judged
-Ibis: took on animal form, refused to bow down to Adam, God condemned him to eternal life of trying to tempt humanity = satan
-the stories of Muhammad’s life and his sayings
-a report attributed to Muhammad
-sketch model of his life called sunnah
-Muhammad’s life
-dad died before he was born, mom died at 6, taken care by uncle
-shepherd then manages caravans for Khadijah
-look at other card …
Understandings of Allah
-all-knowing, omnipresent, all-powerful, ineffable
-Jews and Christians called “people of the book”
-Qur’an provided 99 names for allah, 100th name is not for us
Understanding of Sin
2 biggest sins:
1. Shirk: idolatry (creating images of God)
2. Kufr: Disbelief
Understanding of Death and the Afterlife
-Last judgment day: All souls will be awakened and judged at the same time, until then, every being that has died will remain in a state of sleep
5 pillars of Islam
- Shahada: Simplest, say every day as a prayer. “There is not God but Allah, and Muhammad is God’s prophet”
- Salaat: Islamic prayer, pray 5 times a day (dawn, midday, late evening, after sunset, late night). Orient body towards Ka’bah
-Mosque: like a church, no images of Allah or Muhammad
-Worship lead by Imam - Scholar on the Qur’an who leads the ritual
-Wudu: ablution ritual, cleans yourself. Wash face, hands, and feet - Zakat: Almsgiving, 2.5% of income, can volunteer time if insufficient funds
4.Sausm: fasting, once a year during Ramadan –> commemorate the revelations, refrain from food, sexual relations, smoking, no drink from dawn to sunset. At the end their is a huge celebration called Eid - Haji: Pilgrimage to Mecca (location of Ka’bah), circle it 7 times (Tawef)
-visit zum-zum: river created for Hagar and Ishmael
Simplest, say every day as a prayer. “There is not God but Allah, and Muhammad is God’s prophet”
Islamic prayer, pray 5 times a day (dawn, midday, late evening, after sunset, late night). Orient body towards Ka’bah
-Mosque: like a church, no images of Allah or Muhammad
-Worship lead by Imam - Scholar on the Qur’an who leads the ritual
-Wudu: ablution ritual, cleans yourself. Wash face, hands, and feet
Almsgiving, 2.5% of income, can volunteer time if insufficient funds
fasting, once a year during Ramadan –> commemorate the revelations, refrain from food, sexual relations, smoking, no drink from dawn to sunset. At the end, there is a huge celebration called Eid
Pilgrimage to Mecca (location of Ka’bah), circle it 7 times (Tawef)
-visit Zum-Zum: river created for Hagar and Ishmael
-concensus, who is the most devout follower?
-Umman: Islamic community, decided who next prophet is
-“the people of Sunnah”
-emphasize the Qur’an and the Hadith
-Shariah - Islamic Canonical Law based on teachings of the Koran and traditions of the prophet