JS Flashcards
Search Functionality
1) Quick Find - on the entity - fields defined in Find By
2) Advanced Search - Searchable property of the field if set to N will not show field on the Advanced find.
3) Categorized Search - 10 entities max , in the System settings. Fields defined in Quick Find view.
4) Relevance Search - across multiple entities , utilizing azure search functionality. enabled in power platform admin center . Settings -> Feature
Relevance Search is the preferred method for finding records as it searches more fields than the other methods and searches in notes and the contents of attachments.
Power BI in Model driven app
You need to enable Power BI visualization embedding for your environment in Features, under Settings, in the Power Platform admin center.
SP integration
1) SharePoint integration is known as “server-based integration” to distinguish it from the server-side synchronization that is used for email integration.
2) Provides the infrastructure to support OneNote integration in model-driven apps
3) a document library is created for each record where the entity is enabled for Document Management.
4) require SharePoint integration to be enabled if you want to use the collaboration features with Microsoft Teams.
Environment->Settings->Integration ->Document Management Settings-> Enable Serer based SP integration
Canvas apps as teams app
1) Maker portal -> Details page of the app - > Add to Teams
2) Review and download the app(.zip) file
3) Upload your app as a custom app to Teams
4) To add canvas apps as a Teams app, the Upload custom apps option must be enabled by a Teams admin in the Teams app setup policies.
5) If you want this app to appear for all users, you need to upload the app for the organization and then, in the Teams admin portal, edit the “global app setup policy” and add the canvas
app to the list of pinned apps
O365 Administration center
1) Users
2) Subscriptions
3) Allocation of licenses to users
4) Security groups and membership
1) Create environments.
2) Open environments.
3) Access environment settings.
4) Perform environment operations (copy, switch, delete, reset, admin mode,security group, convert trial).
5) Manage data loss prevention policies.
6) Integrate data.
7) Install/update applications and solutions.
Maker portal
1) Manage CDS (entities, fields, relationships, forms, views, and rules).
2) Create apps.
3) Import data.
4) Export data.
Connection Roles
*are created in PPAC
Environment->Settings-> connection roles.
*Category, Record Types, Matching Connection role.
Business Rules vs Calculated
1) Business Rule - Conditions are checked when the form loads and whenever any field referenced within the condition changes.
Business rules are run automatically in the order that they were activated.
You cannot run a business rule manually.
2) Calculated field - re-calculated when form is saved.
Scope of Business Rule
If you choose All Forms for the scope, the business rule will be applied for all the Main
forms and the Quick Create form.
Rules do not run again when a record is saved
unless the scope for the rule is set at an entity level.
Limitations of BR
1) Business rules run only when the form loads and when the value of the field referenced in the rule is changed.
2) Rules do not run again when a record is saved unless the scope for the rule is set at an entity level.
3) If a business rule references a field that is not present on a form, the rule will not be applied. There will be no error message to inform you that the rule hasn’t been applied.
4) When the scope is set to Entity, the rule will run twice – once on the form and once on the platform.
5) Business rules work only with fields. If you need to manipulate other form elements, such as tabs or sections, you must use JavaScript.
6) You can’t have more than 10 if-else conditions in a rule.
7) Nested if-else statements are not supported.
8) Grouping of expressions in a condition is not supported.
9) Rules in conditions can be combined either using AND or using OR, but not both.
10) When you set a field value using a business rule, OnChange JavaScript event handlers for that field will not be triggered.
Classic workflow vs Power Automate
Classic workflows have one advantage over Power Automate flows: they can be run in real
time, that is, synchronously.
Classic Workflow can be triggered by following events on records in the CDS
Creating a record Updating a record Deleting a record Changing the status of a record Change of ownership (assigning) of a record
Conditions in Classic Workflow
There are two types of conditions for processes:
Check conditions
Wait conditions
A process can use fields from the entity or any field from an entity in a many-to-one
relationship in a condition.
Check conditions can be nested, but be careful as the process editor cannot
handle more than five levels of nesting.
* Wait conditions can only be used in background workflows.
*A wait condition should always have a parallel wait condition to prevent the process from running forever
*If the background workflow you convert uses a wait condition, it will
become invalid and you won’t be able to activate it until you remove the
wait condition.
Action vs classic workflow
Action processes cannot be triggered automatically.
Action processes are invoked from other components.
Action processes can have input and output arguments.
Action processes are associated with a single entity or can be set as global (not
associated with any entity).
Action processes always run under the security context of the calling user.
Action processes always run synchronously, in other words, in real time.
Action process in Power Automate flow
To call an action process in a Power Automate flow, you need to use the
1) Common Data Service (current environment) connector.
2) You should use Perform a bound action for action processes associated with an entity,
3) and use Perform an unbound action for action processes set as Global.
There are built-in actions in the CDS that you can use, such as the following:
Set Word Template: Creates a Word document from a Word template
Add To Queue: Adds a record to a queue
Logs for Workflow
1) Background - System jobs
You can toggle the Keep logs for workflow jobs setting in the properties of the
workflow editor
2) Realtime - do not create system jobs
in a real-time workflow, there is no log for successful operations. You can enable
Error logging by checking the keep logs for workflow jobs that encountered errors during setting in the Workflow Log Retention area in the process editor.
View of the errors - use Advanced Find and create view for “Process Session” entity.
Priv for Import data
You need the Data Import and Data Map privileges to use the Import Data Wizard.
Data templates
Data templates are spreadsheets that you can download to increase the success of data
The data templates are available in Advanced Settings under Data Management,
Duplicate detection
- Adding multiple fields to a rule means all the fields must match. This is the equivalent of an AND operation.
- If you need to perform an OR operation, such as matching on the email address or phone number, you
need to create separate rules, one for matching on the phone number and one for matching on the email address. - You can have five duplicate detection rules per entity.
- Duplicate detection rules cannot be included in solutions
Viewing Audit Records
1) Audit History - Entity under related records. view of all the changes made to a record.
2) Audit Summary - all audit events in the environment. PPAC
A new audit log is created every 90 days.
Microsoft makes all audit logs available from the Microsoft 365 Security and Compliance
Center with the added benefit of including reads and other data viewing activities, such as
exporting to Excel.
Some of the activities that are logged include the following:
Reads of individual records
Queries of multiple records
Export to Excel
Adding a user to a team
The activity logs can be viewed in the Microsoft 365 Security and Compliance Center
Security levels
1) Azure Active Directory (AD) handles the authentication of users.
2) Office 365 and Azure AD manage users and their licenses.
3) Access to environments can be restricted in the Power Platform admin center.
4) CDS databases manage security, authorizing the use of data and services within applications.
Security Group
Environments can be linked to an Azure AD security group. Once linked, only users in that security group will be able to access that environment
Organization owned entity
Entities that are organization-owned do not have the Assign and Share privileges as these
privileges are concerned with record ownership – records for organization-owned entities do not have an owner.
If a user does not have at least read access on an entity, then that entity will not
be shown in the model-driven app; it will not be shown in the navigation or
appear in Advanced Find.
If a user does not have the Create privilege for an entity, then the + NEW button
will not be shown in the action bar.
If a user does not have the Delete privilege on a record, then the delete icon will
not be shown in the form for that record.
If a user does not have the Append To privilege on a record, then they will be
unable to attach other records to it such as phone calls, tasks, emails, and other
types of activity.
Assign and Share privileges do not control to whom a user can assign or
share to; that is controlled by the Append privilege on the entity
combined with the Append To privilege they have on the User and Team
entities. The Assign and Share privileges control which records you can
assign and share.
Where there is a many-to-many relationship between two entities, the Append and Append
To privileges are required on both entities in the relationship.
Users are created in the root business unit by default and, except for users with administration roles, are not
given a security role and are therefore prevented from accessing the CDS.
A record cannot be assigned to a user or a team if that user/team does not have at least user-level access for that entity.
If you haven’t applied a
security role to a team then you will be unable to assign a record to that team.
You cannot give another user a privilege you do not have; that is, if you
do not have the Delete privilege on a record, you cannot select Delete
while sharing the record.
Field security profiles are components that can be added to solutions
Security roles can control/cannot control following components.
Can control
1) Forms
2) Dashboards
3) Business process flows
cannot control access to the following components with security roles:
1) Fields
2) Charts
3) Views
Can share
Personal views
Personal charts
Excel templates
Word templates
When you add user to an access team subgrid
When you add a user to such a sub-grid, the system does the following:
1)Creates an access team
2)Adds the user as a member of the new team
3)Shares the record with the new team
Only users can be added to an access team sub-grid
Process to add subgrid for Access team
The process to add a sub-grid is as follows:
1. Enable the entity for access teams.
2. Create an access team template.
3. Add a sub-grid of users to the entity form.
4. Select the access team template.
Access teams cannot have security roles applied and cannot own records.
One of the advantages of access teams is that you can query and see what records are
shared with which users. It is not possible to find out what records are shared with owner
Azure AD Security group
Azure AD security groups operate like owner teams; they can have security roles applied
and can own records.
You can use Azure AD security group teams to manage app and data
Field Security Profile
Common combinations for permissions are as follows:
Read-only: Allow Read set to Yes, Allow Update and Allow Create set to No
Password/PIN: Allow Read set to No, Allow Update and Allow Create set
to Yes
Theme in Portal
Portal apps use Bootstrap v3.3
Portal apps are built using the Bootstrap frontend framework using CSS and JavaScript.
The use of this common framework means that you can leverage bootstrap to brand your portal website.