JP-5 Afloat Below Deck Systems And Operation Flashcards
What are the two types of filters in the reclamation system?
Pre-filter and a filter/separator (300 gpm) unit
What JP-5 fueling system is used to receive fuel onboard ship?
Fill and transfer system
Which of the two independent stripping systems in the pump room has the tailpipe extending 3/4 inch off the bottom of the tank.
Hand-operated stripping system
What pumps are used to remove the last 24 inches of usable fuel remaining in the storage tanks after the transfer pumps lose suction and when consolidating fuel or before ballasting a storage tank?
Motor stripping pumps
When, if ever, are the service system’s service pumps used to cross – connect with the transfer system’s transfer pump suction header?
When the service pumps are used for off – loading JP-5
Which JP-5 System is used to fuel diesel generators, boilers, small boats, and tractors?
JP-5 auxiliary system
What are the two main purposes of the wearing rings on the centrifugal service pump?
To minimize leakage between the discharge and suction chambers and allow for wear between the impeller and pump casing
What is the function of the mechanical seals of a centrifugal service pump?
They guard against leakage from the pump and prevent air from entering the casing around the shaft
What is the purpose of the service pump flexible coupling?
To allow connection of the pump and motor (or gear reducer) shafts with a minute amount of misalignment
Where are the service pump controllers, control panel, indicators, and HMI flat-panel display located?
JP-5 pump rooms
What is the rated capacity and operating pressure of the transfer pump used in conjunction with the model B214AS-300 purifier?
300 GPM at 50 psi
Sliding vanes to the rotary vane pump are made of what type of material?
What components of the rotary vane prevent leakage from occurring between the cylinder heads and cylinder?
Head O-rings
What type of flexible pump coupling uses a gasket and two seal rings fitted to it’s covers to prevent grease leakage?
Faulk type F steel flex coupling
What type of valve is used in the JP-5 system when straight flow is desired with a minimum amount of restriction?
Gate valve
Globe valves may be used to limit fuel flow through the valve by what?
The butterfly valve uses what kind of seat that is pressure energized to assure positive shut off and that compensates for pressure and temperature changes, as well as wear?
A single – piece flexible polymeric seat
The limitorque valve operator uses what component to protect overloading valve parts from torque stress exerted and thrust load applied?
Torque limit switch
What components of the limitorque valve operator regulate the vertical travel of the valve stem?
Travel nuts
The handwheel clutch of the limitorque bob operator allows for what?
Manual operation of the valve
What actuator is shipped from the manufacture with the mechanical clutch set at 150% above the larger of the open or close torque settings and pounds?
Tri-tech valve operator
In the Tri-Tech valve operator, what component always tracks the Valve position, whether driven manually or electrically?
What type of valve uses a disk that is pinned-hinge to the valve body and closes by gravity under no-flow” conditions?
Swing check valve
What are the two types of packing used for packing gland leakage?
String and ring type packing materials
What type of manifold has a transfer main-side valve and a tank-side valve?
Double-valve tank manifold
What component of the flood and drain manifold has a long piece of metal containing three keyhole slots that slide to the desired position in order to operate one valve at a time on the
Sliding lock bar
Why is it important to use the correct size and formed flange gasket?
To provide fuel system integrity
What components of the service filter have two circular metal bulkheads and provide the means of installing the filter element mounting assemblies?
Tube sheets
What provides a tight seal at both ends of the standpipes on the element mounting, assemblies?
Projecting knife-edges
When installing filter elements on the mounting assembly, what is the correct value of torque applied?
12 foot-pounds or 144 inch-pounds
From where are daily fuel samples drawn on the service fuel filter?
Outlet (clearvvell) chamber and the filter sump
What two hydraulic control valves to the filter hydraulic control system are located in the filter discharge line?
Automatic shutoff valve and pilot valve
what was the main purpose in the addition of the “X-75 float tester”?
To provide means of mechanically operating the float control valve to prevent contaminating the system water.
What is the rated capacity and operating pressure of the first-stage (reclamation) filter?
300 GPM at 150 PSI
What is the desired feed inlet pressure of a 300 gpm purifier?
15-25 psi
The worm wheel gear engages what component located at the base of the spindle assembly drive the purifier bowl?
Oil splash rod
How does the operator use the speed counter to determine if the purifier bowl is spinning at full speed?
The operator places his or her finger on the bump and counts the number of times the bump touches his or her finger in 1 minute.
What is the total number of intermediate disks that are provided with the 300 gpm purifier?
When screwing the feed tube assembly into the paring disc, how many complete turns are required to ensure that the feed tube and paring disc are properly engaged?
3 to 3 1/2 complete turns
When tightening the coupling ring, what maximum degrees are allowed for the coupling aligning mark to pass the aligning mark on the bowl top?
During the purification process, you observe a large amount of water and fuel discharging out through the water observation port and nothing is discharging past the discharge bull’s eye sight glass. What is the probable cause?
The purifier discharge ring is too small.
While performing disassembly maintenance using the purifier compression tool, how much
should be applied with the tool to loosen the coupling ring so you can turn the manual coupling ring wrench by hand freely?
7,800 psi
What kind of gage is normally installed on the suction side of JP-5 pumps?
Compound gage
What are the four types of JP-5 tanks?
Wing, deep centerline, double-bottom, peak
ln what two major categories are JP-5 tanks grouped?
Storage and service
What kind of JP~5 tank is a relief tank for the rest ofthe nest as an added safety feature and prevents rupturing due to over pressunzlng from filling operations?
JP-5 overflow tank
Where is the Ohmart/VEGA STAR TLI mounted?
To the sounding tube
The STAR TLI consists of what two components?
The radar sensor and a sounding tube adapter with a union fitting for mounting the radar on existing sounding tubes
After installation of the STAR TLI, it must be programmed with what specific information for each tank and sounding tube?
width and depth of tank bottom
What two components are required to communicate with the STAR TLI for calibration or setup installation?
VEGACONNECT 2 or VEGACONNECT 3 communications module and a personal| computer (PC)
What does the HMI Display provide?
Graphical screen displays the ship’s JP-5 fuel system to monitor equipment and tank status
The Forward JP-5 Control Console Overview screen shows what information?
Outline of the ship containing labeled selection buttons for each subsystem and tank
assembly in the forward JP-5 fuel system
A flashing red signal indicates what type of condition on the Overview screen?
An alarm condition has occurred in that system
When the UNREP function is selected on the header bar, what option can the operator use to
prepare for underway replenishment?
The UNREP screen, which can be configured with selected tank filling sequence
On the SMART console, the JP-5 fuel system valves are displayed in what four operational groupings?
Service, stripping, transfer, and UNREP
What is the color-code symbol for a closed valve on the SMART console screen?
Steady blue, shown perpendicular with the piping
On the SMART control console screen, tank levels are color-coded what color to indicate the
level of contents in the tank?
From the tank pop-up dialog box, what functions, if any, can the operator perform?
Acknowledge a tank overflow condition, select to reset unauthorized fill condition, set
the low set point, select a high set point, and hide or close pop-up box.
During a power failure, the Control Console Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) will provide
Input power to the JP-5 Control Console through the batteries and provide power for how many minutes?
When are fault or alarm indications for the JP-5 fuel system components displayed?
When a component fails to perform an operation as commanded by the operator pr performa an operation the operator did not command
What are the three operational stages to the AFOSS?
(1) Division officer’s copy (2) work center copy (3) work station copy
While sounding, you see several water droplets on the tape, evidence of possible entrained
water. What kind of sample would you need to take to verify your assumptions?
Composite sample
When receiving fuel from shore tanks, what are the acceptable requirements,
in milligrams per liter, for sediment levels?
In preparation for underway replenishment, a replenishment bill should be posted at least how
many hours before the refueling operation?
24 hours
What are the requirements for stripping the storage tanks using the motor-driven stripping
Prior to receiving, the day after receiving JP-5 aboard, weekly thereafter, as applicable, the day before purifying into service tanks, immediately before purifying into service times
When off-loading fuel using service pumps and stowage tanks, what is a major rule that must
be followed to prevent service pumps from losing suction?
Keep an adequate number of tanks open at all times
Prior to fueling any aircraft, the entire JP-5 service system must be thoroughly flushed after
what occurrences?
After shipyard overhaul including new construction and recohve e
major repair
What is the purpose of flushing the JP-5 sen/ice system?
To rid the piping of the large quantity of solids, loose microbiological growth.
What role do ABFs play in the Navy’s pollution control program?
ABFs have millions of gallons of petroleum products under their control at all times, and they are responsible for the safe storage and handling of every single gallon.
The service system is typically designed to be isolated into how many quadrants?
Transfer main branch headers connect the transfer main to…
storage tank manifolds.
What valves are used to isolate the transfer system during secured conditions and to control
the flow of JP-5 during various transfer and filling operations?
Bulkhead cutout valves
What devices are arranged in the transfer pump‘s discharge header to enable both purifiers to
operate simultaneously using any two of the three transfer pumps?
Two cutout valves
What system provides the capability to reclaim JP-5 received from hose flushing’ tank stripping
operations, and the initial flow from the fueling-at-sea (FAS)’?
Reclamation system
The centrifugal pump used in the JP-5 service system is rated at what gpm capacity?
In addition to the two wearing rings installed in the pump casing between the suction and
discharge chambers, where are the centrifugal pump’s other two wearing installed?
On the impeller
The centrifugal pump impeller is centered and secured in the pump casing by what devices?
Shaft sleeves and shaft nuts
Rotary vane pumps used for stripping are designed to pump approximately how many gallons
per minute and at what pressure?
50 gpm at 50 psi
On a rotary vane pump, what component houses the ball bearings and mechanical seals?
Cylinder head
What type of coupling is a flexible grid member that engages the teeth in the hubs to transmit power?
Falk type-F steel flex
What valve esign allows no metal-to-metal contact during regular operations?
High performance butterfly
What component on the LIMITORQUE valve operator operates the OPEN and CLOSE position indicator lights for the valve?
Limit switch
What device ensures the disk is centered into the base of the valve body in a manifold?
Disk guide
On a manifold, what connects the main-side valve to the tank-side valve?
What are the three chambers inside the service filter shell?
Inlet, fallout, and outlet
When fuel flows from the coalescer elementst the separator elements the coalesced water falls out of the fuel by gravity. ln which chamber does this take place?
What is the pressure drop limit, in psi, on the Service fuel filter?
During centrifugal purifier operations, where are the solid contaminants collected after they are
separated from the fuel?
On the inside bowl wall
What are the ideal operating pressures of the 300 gpm centrifugal purifier?
15 to 25 psi inlet and 20 psi outlet
A total of how many sets of ball bearings support the spindle assembly?
What disk provides a rotating casing for the centripetal pump?
Pairing disk
When the purifier is in the standby mode, how often should you check the inlet-outlet housing
and bowl cover to make sure they are cool to the touch?
Every 5 minutes
What type of gauge is normally installed on the service filter to read pressure changes from
inlet and outlet chambers?
What type of tank, located between voids, is an integral part of the ship’s underwater protective
What is the difference between the JP-5 in a servicetank, compared to JP-5 in a storage tank?
It passes through a filter or centrifugal purifier.
What type of fitting is installed at the lower end of a sounding tube?
Striker plate
The STAR TLI uses a sound assembly that allows the radar head to _________ away from the
sounding tube.
The STAR TLI has how many modes of operation?
During normal operation, the STAR TLI will output a ________ mA signal in proportion to the
level of liquid in the tank.
4 to 20
How does the operator control pumps and valves form the JP-5 Control Console?
By selecting displayed symbols and pop-up dialog boxes via screen displays
When the JP-5 Trans/Strip is activated on the Forward Delivery screen, what happens?
The Forward JP-5 Transfer/Stripping screen opens
On the General Fault or Alarm Display and Description table, what view indicates Cutout?
What does the description “unauthorized fill” mean?
Describes a tank filling with liquid that should not be filling
When the pump is activated using the Control Console, what does the pump indicator display
when the pump is running normally?
Steady green
On the console display, an upper case letter E next to the valve symbol for a commandable
valve indicates that the valve is________.
Tank level on a partially filled tank is light ________.
What copy of the AFOSS would be found in a filter room?
Work station copy
Before fuel can be pumped into any tank in a nest of storage tanks, what condition must be
The overflow tank for that nest must be empty.
What type of tank is normally filled first during a refueling operation?
After the initial samples are obtained, how often are samples taken when on-loading fuel?
Every 15 minutes
What is the correct sequence of flow when off-loading JP-5 from a servicetank.
Servicetank, service pump, service pump discharge header, transfer pump discharge header, transfer main, downcomer, filling connection
What is the Navy’s largest pollution problem?
Oil pollution