Journey Into Power Point2Point Flashcards
child’s pose
widen your knees to the outer edge of your mat
extend your arms straight out in front of you, palms facing down
bring your forehead to the floor
downward facing dog
curl your toes under press your tail to the sky straighten your legs pull your navel toward your spine drop your shoulder blades down your back
walk your feet up to meet your hands
feet hips width apart
hinge at the hips, relax forward over your legs
drop your head and let go of your neck
extended mountain pose
toe/heel your feet together
sweep your arms up
reach your fingertips to the sky
root your feet down into the earth
bring your hands to your heart center
release your hands letting them hang by your side
open your chest and lift your sternum
straighten and elongate your spine
pull the tops of your shoulders back and relax them down away from your ears
3 oms
Sun Salutations A / B
extended mountain
sweep your arms up
reach your fingers to the sky
forward fold
hinge at the hips
draw the crown of your head towards the mat
halfway lift
extend and lengthen your spine parallel to the mat
drop your shoulder blades down your back and away from your ears
high plank
bend your knees
step/jump back to the top of a pushup position
set your eyes between your hands
stack your shoulder joints, elbows, wrists
engage your quads
lift your belly into your spine
low plank
move forward lower your torso 5 inches from your mat engage and lift your quads pull your belly up keep your gaze forward
upward facing dog
press down on your hands roll over the tips of your toes scoop your chest and belly up move your torso forward engage your quadriceps, glutes, and abs to lift the front of your thighs off the mat
downward facing dog
lift your sit bones up towards the sky
pull your hips back and tilt your tailbone up
press your thighbones back towards the wall behind you
Step or jump to the top of your mat
Step or jump to the top of your mat
halfway lift
extend and lengthen your spine parallel to the mat
forward fold
lengthen the front of your torso and spine downward
extended mountain
reach your finger tips to the sky
forward fold
hinge forward stopping as your fingertips meet your mat
halfway lift
extend and lengthen your spine parallel to the mat
high plank
shoulder blades spiraling down your back away from your ears
low plank
stack your elbows over your wrists
upward facing dog
drive down through your arms and feet opening up your chest creating space
downward facing dog
lift your hipbones upward toward the sky
press your arms down and forward
sun b
5 times
halfway lift
extend and lengthen your spine parallel to the mat
forward fold
draw the crown of your head towards the mat
chair pose
drop your hips and lift your heart and hands
squat down as if you are sitting in a chair
shift your weight into your heels
pull your arms up through your fingertips
forward fold
hinge forward stopping as your fingertips meet your mat
halfway lift
extend and lengthen your spine
low plank, updog, downdog
right foot warrior 1
lunge your right foot between your hands
spin your back foot flat to 60 degrees
shift your hips towards the front of the room, right hip back left hip forward
bend your front knee to 90 degrees
sweep your hands up over your head, palms facing each other
low plank, updog, downdog
left foot warrior 1
lunge your left foot between your hands
spin your back foot flat to 60 degrees
shift your hips towards the front of the room, left hip back right hip forward
bend your front knee to 90 degrees
sweep your hands up over your head, palms facing each other
low plank, updog, downdog
flip dog right
lift your right leg
bend your right knee opening up the right side body
continue to open up your right side
drop your right foot to the floor
open your chest to the sky
follow your right fingertips and your gaze to the front of the room
high plank
come back through center set your eyes between your hands stack your shoulder joints, elbows, wrists engage your quads lift your belly into your spine
side plank right
drop both heels towards the right on your mat parallel to the floor, feet flexed
stack your left shoulder onto your right
reach your left arm up
high plank, low plank, updog, downdog
flip dog left
lift your left leg
bend your left knee opening up the left side body
continue to open up your left side
drop your left foot to the floor
open your chest to the sky
follow your left fingertips and your gaze to the front of the room
high plank
come back through center set your eyes between your hands stack your shoulder joints, elbows, wrists engage your quads lift your belly into your spine
side plank left
drop both heels towards the left on your mat parallel to the floor, feet flexed
stack your right shoulder onto your left
reach your right arm up
high plank, low plank, updog, downdog
warrior series
crescent lung right
step your right foot between your hands
bend your right knee to 90 degrees
lift your back heel up onto the ball of your foot
lift your arms up in line with your ears
crescent lung twist
bring your hands together at heart center
spin your left arm to the outside of the right knee
keep your back heel lifted, your back leg straight, and your front knee stacked over your ankle
twist to the right
warrior 2
square your hips and chest to the side wall
keep your right knee at 90 degrees
place your right heel down parallel to the back of your mat, heels in line
lift your belly, spine, and chest
stack your shoulders over your hips
right arm front left arm back,extend both arms parallel with the floor palms facing down
Side angle/extended side angle
keep your feet and knees where they are
draw the front hip in toward the center line
stack your upper shoulder over the lower, twist your torso
open your chest
extend your left arm up to the sky
high plank, low plank, updog, downdog
crescent lung twist left
step your left foot between your hands
bend your left knee to 90 degrees
lift your back heel up onto the ball of your foot
lift your arms up in line with your ears
crescent lung twist
bring your hands together at heart center
spin your left arm to the outside of the right knee
keep your back heel lifted, your back leg straight, and your front knee stacked over your ankle
twist left
warrior 2
square your hips and chest to the side wall
keep your left knee at 90 degrees
place your left heel down parallel to the back of your mat, heels in line
lift your belly, spine, and chest
stack your shoulders over your hips
left arm front right arm back,extend both arms parallel with the floor palms facing down
Side angle/extended side angle
keep your feet and knees where they are
draw the front hip in toward the center line
stack your upper shoulder over the lower, twist your torso
open your chest
extend your right arm up to the sky
high plank, low plank, updog, down dog
Jump or float to the top of your mat
halfway lift
extend and lengthen your spine
drop your shoulder blades down your back and away from your ears
forward fold
hinge at the hips
draw the crown of your head towards the mat
chair pose
drop your hips and lift your heart and hands
squat down as if you are sitting in a chair
shift your weight into your heels
pull your arms up through your fingertips
chair pose/prayer twist right
bring your hands together at heart center
spin your left elbow to the outside of your right thigh
keep your feet and knees together
stack your upper shoulder over the lower shoulder
twist right
forward fold fingers to toes
hinge forward at the hips
grab your big toes with your peace fingers
halfway lift, extend your back parallel to the floor
fold over your legs keeping hold of your big toes
chair pose
drop your hips and lift your heart and hands
squat down as if you are sitting in a chair
shift your weight into your heels
pull your arms up through your fingertips
chair pose twist left
bring your hands together at heart center
spin your right elbow to the outside of your left thigh
keep your feet and knees together
stack your upper shoulder over the lower shoulder
twist left
move your feet hips width apart hinge forward at the hips bend your knees place your palms underneath your feet where your wrists meet your toes, palms facing up lift halfway extending your spine fold over your legs
bring your feet together
place your hands flat on your mat shoulder width apart
squat down
let your elbows and knees drop creating a small shelf out of your upper arms
lean forward
lift your heels
rest your knees on your upper arms
tip your weight forward bringing both feet off the floor one at a time
set your gaze slightly in front of your hands
touch your big toes
straighten your arms
high plank, low plank, updog, downdog
Step or jump to the top of your mat
Step or jump to the top of your mat
balance series
halfway lift
extend and lengthen your spine
forward fold
hinge forward at the hips
draw the crown of your head towards the mat
extended mountain pose
sweep your arms up
reach your fingertips to the sky
root your feet down into the earth
eagle pose right (2)
wrap your right arm under the left arm
press your palms together
extend your fingertips up
bend your knees
sweep your right leg up and over the left
square your hips and chest to the front wall
pelvis is tucked under you
shoulders are stacked above your hips
set your eyes on one point directly in front of you
extended mountain
sweep your arms up
reach your fingertips to the sky
root your feet down into the earth
eagle pose left (2)
wrap your left arm under the right arm
press your palms together
extend your fingertips up
bend your knees
sweep your left leg up and over the right
square your hips and chest to the front wall
pelvis is tucked under you
shoulders are stacked above your hips
set your eyes on one point directly in front of you
extended mountain
sweep your arms up
reach your fingertips to the sky
root your feet down into the earth
standing leg raise right
with a straight spine extend your right leg to the front of the room keeping your foot flexed
drop your right hip down so it is right with the left
keep your torso square
press your shoulders down and away from your ears
root down through your standing foot
hinge forward
extend your right leg out behind you
your torso and upper leg should be parallel to the floor
open your arms out behind you, palms facing down
draw your shoulder blades down your back and together
lower your chin so your so your neck is neutral
gaze down at the floor a few inches in front of your standing foot
balancing half moon
extend your left fingertips to the floor on the outside of your left foot
keeping your upper leg raised, square your hips to the side wall
reach your right arm to the sky
gaze upwards toward your fingers
forward fold
hinge forward at the hips
draw the crown of your head towards the mat
extended mountain
sweep your arms up
reach your fingertips to the sky
root your feet down into the earth
bring your hands to your heart center release your hands let them hang by your side open your chest and lift your sternum straighten and elongate your spine pull the tops of your shoulders back and relax them down, away from your ears
standing leg raise left
with a straight spine extend your right leg to the front of the room keeping your foot flexed
drop your right hip down so it is right with the left
keep your torso square
press your shoulders down and away from your ears
root down through your standing foot
hinge forward
extend your right leg out behind you
your torso and upper leg should be parallel to the floor
open your arms out behind you, palms facing down
draw your shoulder blades down your back and together
lower your chin so your so your neck is neutral
gaze down at the floor a few inches in front of your standing foot
balancing half moon
extend your left fingertips to the floor on the outside of your left foot
keeping your upper leg raised, square your hips to the side wall
reach your right arm to the sky
gaze upwards toward your fingers
forward fold
hinge forward at the hips
draw the crown of your head towards the mat
extended mountain
sweep your arms up
reach your fingertips to the sky
root your feet down into the earth
release your hands let them hang by your side open your chest and lift your sternum straighten and elongate your spine pull the tops of your shoulders back and relax them down, away from your ears
dancer pose right (2)
reach your left arm up to the sky
roll your right hand open so your palm is facing up
bend your right knee
reach your right hand back
grab the inside of your right foot with your right hand
stretch forward
extend and straighten the back leg
release your hands let them hang by your side open your chest and lift your sternum straighten and elongate your spine pull the tops of your shoulders back and relax them down, away from your ears
dancer pose left (2)
reach your right arm up to the sky
roll your left hand open so your palm is facing up
bend your left knee
reach your left hand back
grab the inside of your left foot with your left hand
stretch forward
extend and straighten the back leg
release your hands let them hang by your side open your chest and lift your sternum straighten and elongate your spine pull the tops of your shoulders back and relax them down, away from your ears
tree pose right
ground down on through the sole of your right foot
lift your left heel high
place the sole of your left foot onto your inner right thigh
drop your right hip in line with the left
press your palms together at heart center
release your hands let them hang by your side open your chest and lift your sternum straighten and elongate your spine pull the tops of your shoulders back and relax them down, away from your ears
extended mountain
sweep your arms up
reach your fingertips to the sky
root your feet down into the earth
forward fold
hinge forward at the hips
draw the crown of your head towards the mat
halfway lift
extend and lengthen your spine
high plank, low plank, updog, downdog
triangle series
right foot warrior 1
lunge your right foot between your hands
spin your back foot flat to 60 degrees
shift your hips towards the front of the room, right hip back left hip forward
bend your front knee to 90 degrees
sweep your hands up over your head, palms facing each other
warrior 2
square your hips and chest to the side wall
keep your left knee at 90 degrees
place your left heel down parallel to the back of your mat, heels in line
lift your belly, spine, and chest
stack your shoulders over your hips
left arm front right arm back,extend both arms parallel with the floor palms facing down
straighten your front knee
reach your right arm forward
lower your right hand down to the mat on the outside of your right ankle
lift your left arm up to the sky
wide straddle forward fold
face the side wall
toe/heel your feet out so your legs are wide
turn your toes in a little
place your hands on your hips
hinge forward from your hips
walk your fingers back so they are in line with your toes
press your palms into the mat
draw the crown of your head closer to the mat
slide your back foot closer to the top of the mat
reposition your feet; right foot aiming forward, left foot at a 45 degree angle to the top of your mat
square your hips to the front of the room
fold over your legs
revolving triangle
lift your left arm next to your ear
hinge forward from your hips
place your left palm on the outside of your right foot
pull your right hip back in line with your left
roll the right shoulder back
extend your right arm up to the sky
lift your gaze up
high plank, low plank, updog, downdog
left foot warrior 1
lunge your left foot between your hands
spin your back foot flat to 60 degrees
shift your hips towards the front of the room, left hip back right hip forward
bend your front knee to 90 degrees
sweep your hands up over your head, palms facing each other
warrior 2
square your hips and chest to the side wall
keep your left knee at 90 degrees
place your left heel down parallel to the back of your mat, heels in line
lift your belly, spine, and chest
stack your shoulders over your hips
left arm front right arm back,extend both arms parallel with the floor palms facing down
straighten your front knee
reach your left arm forward
lower your left hand down to the mat on the outside of your leftt ankle
lift your right arm up to the sky
wide straddle forward fold fingers to toes
face the side wall
toe/heel your feet out so your legs are wide
turn your toes in a little
place your hands on your hips
hinge forward from your hips
grab your big toes with your peace fingers
fold over your legs
draw the crown of your head closer to the mat
slide your back foot closer to the top of the mat
reposition your feet; left foot aiming forward, right foot at a 45 degree angle to the top of your mat
square your hips to the front of the room
fold over your legs
high plank, lower to belly
backbending series
locust (2)
rest your arms by your side
palms facing down
lift your legs and chest up
Floor bow (2)
bend your knees
reach back with both arms and grab the tops of your feet
press back through your legs as you lift your thighs and chest off the floor
pull your torso foward
Palms to sides next to lower ribs
upward facing dog
press down on your hands roll over the tips of your toes scoop your chest and belly up move your torso forward engage your quadriceps, glutes, and abs to lift the front of your thighs off the mat
camel (2)
come to the top of your mat on your knees with your shins pressing into the floor
separate your knees and feet hips width apart
bring your hands to your lower back with your fingers pointing up, thumbs into your sacrum
scoop your tailbone under
gently release your head back
reach back setting your hand on each heel
Bridge / wheel x5
Lie down on your back on your mat
lie on your back
place your feet flat on the floor hips width apart, knees over your heels
scoop your tailbone under
lift your hips up coming onto your shoulders
walk your shoulder blades toward each other underneath your torso
clasp your hands together
interlace your fingers
press down through your feet and upper arms
supta baddha konasana
soles of the feet together
Knees out to sides
happy baby
bring your knees up to your chest grab the inner edges of your feet pull your knees, feet and quadriceps toward the floors stack your ankles over your knees lengthen your spine into the floor
scissor legs
bring your knees into your chest
cradle your head with your hands
extend your legs straight up
lower your right leg down to the mat
flex your feet and press through both legs
lift your head and bring both shoulder blades off the floor
change legs and repeat on the left side
abdominal twists
lower your right leg hovering over the mat
bend your left knee into your chest
cradle your head with your hands
twist your right elbow across your body to meet your left knee
switch to the other side
high plank, low plank, updog, downdog
hip series
half pigeon right
look up between your hands
step your right foot to the outside of your left hand
drop your right knee near your right hand
drop you right hip down to the floor
downward facing dog
curl your toes under press your tail to the sky straighten your legs pull your navel toward your spine drop the shoulder blades down your back
half pigeon left
look up between your hands
step your left foot to the outside of your right hand
drop your left knee near your left hand
drop you left hip down to the floor
double pigeon right
sit up bring your back leg up and around stack your left shin on top of your right shin flex both feet walk your hands forward relax down over your legs
seated single leg forward fold right
forward bending series
seated single leg forward fold right
from a seated position, bring your left heel in to the inside of your right thigh
keep your right foot active pressing the top of your right thigh into the floor
reach forward and grab your foot with both hands
fold over your straight leg
double pigeon left
switch legs stack your right shin on top of your left shin flex both feet walk your hands forward relax down over your legs
reverse table top
seated single leg forward fold left
bring your right heel in to the inside of your left thigh
keep your left foot active pressing the top of your left thigh into the floor
reach forward and grab your foot with both hands
fold over your straight leg
from a seated position, place your hands under your sitting bones, palms facing down
lean back until your forearms are down on the floor
walk your elbows and forearms in toward each other
shimmy your shoulder blades in toward each other
arch your back
lower your head back and slide back until the crown of your head is resting on the flor
inversion series
plow pose
Head/hand stand
reverse table top
with your legs straight out in front of you, bring your hands back behind your hips shoulders width apart
place your palms flat with your fingers facing forward
press down through your arms and hands
lift your hips up
drop your head back
supine twist right
surrender to gravity series
supine twist right
straighten your left leg on the floor
pull your right knee into your chest
spin your right knee over to the outer left side of your body
look over your right shoulder
supine twist left
straighten your right leg on the floor
pull your leftt knee into your chest
spin your leftt knee over to the outer right side of your body
look over your left shoulder
plow pose
lower your straight legs to the floor behind your head
extend your arms toward the front wall, interlacing your fingers
lie on your back with your legs straight in front of you
let your feet relax
place your arms alongside your body, palms facing up
lengthen your pine into the floor
Lie on your back
Plant soles of feet just below your butt fingertips just about reach heels
integrate shoulders, lift hips
Chair pose
Chair pose
From straight legs with soles to ceiling, lower right heel toward floor 1/3 of way Then 2/3 Then hover Raise 1/3, 2/3, then straight Other side
revolving triangle
lift your right arm next to your ear
hinge forward from your hips
place your right palm on the outside of your left foot
pull your left hip back in line with your right
roll the right shoulder back
extend your leftt arm up to the sky
lift your gaze up
Step or jump to the top of your mat
Step or jump to the top of your mat