Journey Flashcards
Master degree, PhD
Bother .v.n.
As a verb means try
As a noun is annoy
Do shopping/go shopping
Do: buy in supermarket
Go: shop clothes etc.
Fold .v.
Folder .n.
After dry clothes we fold them or hang the clothes
to bend a piece of paper, cloth etc by laying or pressing one part over another:
Fold the paper along the dotted line.
It’ll fit in if you fold it in half.
Leisure .n.un c.
Time when you are not working or studying and can relax or have fun
eventually .adv.
Synonyms: in the end, after all, at the end of the day, finally, one day, some time, ultimately, when all is said and done
thorough .adj.
including every possible detail ⇒ thoroughly:
The doctor gave him a thorough check-up.
Use unless to say that something will happen or be true if something else does not happen or is not true. Do not use ‘will’ or ‘shall’ after unless. Use the present tense or present perfect
Yearly/ once a year
platform .n.c
1a raised structure for people to stand or work on:
He climbed onto the wooden platform and began to speak.
an oil platform
Let him know
بهش اطلاع بدید
Within .adverb. preposition
1during the period of time mentioned, or before the period of time ends:
The movie should start within the next five minutes.
instruction .n.
1instructions [plural] information or advice that tells you how to do something, how to use a piece of equipment or machine, etc. SYN directions:
Follow the instructions the teacher gives you.
Did you read the instructions first?
- even, horizontal, level, levelled, low, smooth
- dull, boring, dead, lacklustre, lifeless, monotonous, tedious, tiresome, uninteresting
- absolute, categorical, downright, explicit, out-and-out, positive, unequivocal, unqualified
- punctured, blown out, burst, collapsed, deflated, empty
- completely, absolutely, categorically, exactly, point blank, precisely, utterly
- flat out: at full speed, all out, at full tilt, for all one is worth, hell for leather (informal)
apartment, rooms
Value for money
good value, or the quality of being good value)
Every customer is looking for value for money.
Poverty .n.un c.
- [uncountable] the situation or experience of being poor ⇒ poor, impoverished:
Millions of elderly people live in poverty
Advantage .n.c
Advantages .n # disadvantages
Advantageus .adj
] a good or useful benefit that something has
advantage of
One of the many advantages of living in New York is that you can eat out at almost any time of day.
Vomit .n.un c
the food or drink that comes out when someone vomits
Swelling .n.un c. C
an area on your body that becomes larger than usual because of injury or sickness:
Bruise .n . C
Can be a verb
a purple or brown mark on your skin that you get because you have fallen, been hit etc:
minor cuts and bruises
- a mark on a piece of fruit that spoils its appearance
if part of your body bruises, or if you bruise part of your body, it gets hit or hurt and a bruise appears:
She fell off her bike and bruised her knee.
pim‧ple /ˈpɪmpəl/ noun [countable]
a small raised red spot on your skin, especially on your face
—pimply adjective:
a pimply 18-year-old
particular .adj.n
Specific. Special
Discussion .n.c or un c
The activity in wich people talk about and tell about each other their ideas
Give up # .phrasal verb.
Keep on doing .phrasal verb.
Be, get, keep, etc. In touch
To communicate or continue to communicate with someone by using a phone or writing to them
Beleeding .n.
bleed‧ing1 /ˈbliːdɪŋ/ noun [uncountable]
[Word Family: noun: blood, bleeding; adjective: bloodless, bloody; verb: bleed]
the condition of losing blood from your body ⇒ خون ریزیhaemorrhage:
Use pressure to control the bleeding.
The bleeding had almost stopped.
He died of internal bleeding.
Immediately .adv.
without delay - without waiting
عموم مردم
Faithfully .adv
Yours faithfully British English the usual polite way of ending a formal letter, which you have begun with Dear Sir or Dear Madam
از روی وفاداری- صادقانه
MAY even help students
Vomit .v
Thorw up
Nausea .n
Nauseate .adj
حالت تهوع
I feel nauseate
A person who doing surgery or operation
Aperson who stays in hospital
Lung canser
سرطال ریه
Heart attacks
سکته قلبی
Stroke .n
سکته مغزی
Hepatitis is a disease affecting the liver.
Due to
As a result
Suffers from .v
to experience physical or mental pain:
At least he died suddenly and didn’t suffer.
She’s suffering a lot of pain.
confident and sure, without any doubts Synonym : sure
Doubt .n.v
B is silent
شک و شبهه
شک داشتن
resort .n.v
a place where a lot of people go for holidays
اقامتگاه، گردشگاه
resort to something phrasal verb
to do something bad, extreme, or difficult because you cannot think of any other way to deal with a problem:
Officials fear that extremists may resort to violence.
resort to doing something
Vets have had to resort to killing the animals.
دسته بندی کردن، جدا کردن، متوسل شدن
Demonstrations .n.c
an act of explaining and showing how to do something or how something works
نمایش تجریی
As well as .preposition
as well as
Synonyms: besides, beside, beyond, over and above
as well as
and also.
We sell books to individuals as well as to school.
as well as
in addition to
“Please bring your swimming suit as well as your towel.”
Peer to peer .adj
somebody’s peer: someone who is the same age as another person, or who has the same type of job, rank, etc.:
Barton has gained the respect of his peers.
●person of the same age/status
PEER + NOUN group She was rejected by her peer group.
اشتراک برنانه ها-فرستادن برنامه- دوست به دوست- همکار به همکار
Without waiting
به طور منظم/ مرتبا
Go on the internet
Using/ go online
Internet service provider
Able to use
Gain/ get access
Access entering a place on seeing
Have access
Have a car that you can use
Car or travel insurance
Provide .v.
آماده کردن/ تهیه کردن/ فراهم کردن
Social networking sites
Places on the internet where you can have a discussion with other people.
بحث/ مباحثه
Surfing the web
Looking at diffrent web
Instant messaging
پیام رسانی فوری
Instant= فوری
در حال پیشرفت
به کشور های جهان سوم برای مودبانه بودن میگم
Plugin# unplug
Plug= پریز برق
Percent .n.
Percentage .adj
مقدار بر حسب درصد
Amount .n.
مقدار/ اندازه
Measure .v
Measureless .adj
اندازه گیری کردن
بی شمار
Obliged .adj.
Have to
I am obliged to do it.
I have to do it.
to be familiar with something and accept it as normal:
We were accustomed to working together
People have become accustomed to junk food.
Duty . n.c
SOMETHING YOU MUST DO [uncountable and countable] something that you have to do because it is morally or legally right Synonym : obligation:
I promise I will do my duty.
We feel it is our duty to help her.
Local authorities have a duty to keep the streets clean.
You have a duty to your husband and to your children.
- responsibility
decay .noun [uncountable]
the natural chemical change that causes the slow destruction of something:
old cars in various stages of decay
tooth decay
Consumption .n.un c
formal the act of eating or drinking ⇒ consume
consumption of
The consumption of alcohol on the premises is forbidden.
fit/unfit for human consumption (=safe or not safe to eat)
The meat was declared unfit for human consumption.
convenience .n
what is easiest and best for a particular person
at sb’s convenience (=at a time that is best and easiest for someone)
سهولت، راحتی، آسودگی
Resign .v.
that you have decided to leave your job or an organization ⇒ quit
resign from
Sy. Quit - leave
Rescue .v. transitive
to save someone or something from a situation of danger or harm:
Survivors of the crash were rescued by helicopter.
rescue somebody/something from somebody/something
She died trying to rescue her children from the blaze.
Sy. Save
Disappear .v. intransitive
- to become impossible to see any longer
ناپدید شدن
Vase .n.c
Put flower in to vase
We have kind of vase
Glass vase
Clay vase
Wood vase
Pottery .n
Looked out onto
به طور قابل تعویض
[verb] change , interchange
[noun] change , interchange , interchangeability
[adj.] changeable , interchangeable , changed , changing , changeless
[adv.] interchangeably
Interchange= an exchange, especially of ideas or thoughts
interchange of
the interchange of ideas between students and staff
Facilitie .phrase.
the buildings, equipment, and services provided for a particular purpose:
Shopping facilities
Medical facilities
Sport facilities
Urvan .adj. # rural .adj
روستایی# شهری
Metropolis .n.
Big city
Suburbs .n.
Suburban .adj
Out of city, people live there in vila
Really, actually, in truth, certainly
The blood tests prove that Vince is indeed the father
Lie lay lain
Be located
بومی سازی شود
Gap, space, extent
the amount of space between two places or things
the distance from Chicago to Detroit
Destroy .v
to damage something so badly that it cannot be used:
Most of the old part of the city was destroyed by bombs during the war.
Losing his job seemed to completely destroy his confidence.
Besieged .v
Use for war by solider
محاصره کرون
An imposing .adj
used about buildings and people that are large and impressive:
the imposing entrance hall
با ابهت
Cater .v
Catering .n
To provide and serve food and drinks at the party, meeting and etc
فراهم نمودن غذا .v
آذوغه رسان ، سورو سات چی .n
Attraction, magic,
Consultant .n.c
A person how get advice
Business/educatian/family consultants
Set up
Deals with the marketing
Does the work in marketing
To handel sth.
Deal with
Be responsible
Be in charge of
All of them are syn.
In work and study topic
Organize or controls
Are paid
Receive money
In come
Salary: not pay month but regullary (professional job)
Wage: every day or week (not professinal job)
In come: not necessery of job ( investment)
Earnings: earnfrom any job you do
Get a promotion
Get a raise
1 knowlage
2 money
Fixed hours
Nine- to-five-job
Always the same
Advice /s/ .n. un
Advise /z/ .v.
Give advice /take/ follow/ ask for
I suppose
used to say you think something is true,
فکر میکنم یا پنداشتن یا گمان کردن
Full fee
Total cost
The full fee of the course is 55$.
hustle and bustle
Hustle .n
Busy and noisy activity
Intend .v.
to have something in your mind as a plan or purpose
Require .v.transitive
To need
Syn. Demand
Author .n.c
Some one who has written a book
Relevant .adj
Syn. Related, to the point, significant
مرتبط، به جا؛ با اهمیت و سودمند
مربوط، مناسب، وابسته، مطابق، وارد
Nearly havent much money and you are on a budget
اقتصادی زندگی کنی این ماه رو
Unappetising .adj
Unappetizing food does not look or smell attractive and does not make you want to eat it:
Expertise .n .un.c
Special skills
Mild .adj
Not very strong or hot tasty.
Bland .adj
Very little flavour, rather negative
Tasteless or flavourfull
Sickly .adj
Topic: food
Too much suger.
tasting unpleasantly sweet:
The dessert was rather sweet and sickly.
a sickly sweet fruit drink
Savoury .adj
Tasty, mouthwatering, pleasant
خوش طعم
Slightly salty or with herbs
ادویه گیاهی
Moreish .adj
Having a very pleasantly tast and you want eat or dink more and more.
Unripe .adj # ripe
Not yet ready to be eaten.
Unripe green tomatoes.
Go off ==> goes off==> went off==> gone off
If food or drink goes off, it is not good to eat or drink any more because it is too old:
It hasn’t nessassery poisens to get you sick
Stodgy .adj
Heavy, hard to digest
Kalepache is stodgy.
Processed .adj .use befor n.
That has beed treated with chemicals to preserve it or give it extra colour or taste.
Set menu # a-la-carte
1:a selection of dishesh at a ficed price
2: order individual dishes
Conservation .n.
the protection of natural things such as animals, plants, forests etc, to prevent them from being spoiled or destroyed Synonym : preservation ⇒ conserve:
wildlife conservation
a local conservation group
conservation of
conservation of the countryside
حفاظت حفظ
Predator .n.c
An animal that hunts, kills, and eats other animals.
Lion, wolves and other predetors
Prey .n.
An animal that is hunted and killed for food by another animal
Be easy prey.
Be prey of
Pod .n
A group of sea mammals such as whales or dolphins
Other meaning
Along, narrow, flat part of some plants such as beans and peas,
Seeds usually has a thick skin
پوست و غلاف
Enviornmentalist .n.c
A person who is intrested in or studies the environment an who protect it from being damaged by human activities.
Envrionmentalists work for the conservation and protection of the planet.
محیط بان
Desire .v. transitive
To want very much
I desired to return to mexico
Instinctive .adj
a mother’s instinctive love
Surrounding .n
An area around the edge of
The field was surrounded by trees.
Use as e verb
Association .n
An organization that consits of a group of people who have the same aims, do the same kind of work
Welfare .n. un c
wel‧fare /ˈwelfeə $ -fer/
Parents have big talent to children’s welfare.
Animal welfare
benefit/ advantage/
کمک، توجه کردن، رعایت کردن، خدمات اجتماعی، آسایش،
Coordinate .v. transitive
co‧or‧di‧nate (also co-ordinate) /kəʊˈɔːdəneɪt
To oganize an activity so that the people involved in it work well together and achieve a good result
هماهنگ کردن
Breeding .n. un c
breed‧ing /ˈbriːdɪŋ
When animal produce babies
پرورش حیوانات پرورش تولید مثل
Mobile adj.
Able to move
People are in general more geographically mobile nowadayes.