General Worl Flashcards
Man-made .adj.
made or caused by human beings
Would not work
Doesnt work
Unweel .adj.
ill, ailing, sick, sickly, under the weather (informal), unhealthy
Compliment .n. v
تعارف و درود
تعریف کردن از
Communicate .v.
] to exchange information or conversation with other people, using words, signs, writing etc:
Sy: make known
Suffix .n.c
a letter or letters added to the end of a word to form a new word, such as ‘ness’ in ‘kindness’ or ‘ly’ in ‘suddenly’
Definition .n.
a phrase or sentence that says exactly what a word, phrase, or idea means ⇒ define:
a dictionary definition
definition of
There are many definitions of the word ‘feminism’.
معنی تعریف
compound .v.n
technical a noun, adjective etc that is made up of two or more words. The noun ‘flower shop’ and the adjective ‘self-made’ are compounds.
Transition .n.v
when something changes from one form or state to another
گذر-تحول- مرحله تغییر.
Making the transition from youth to adulthood can be very painful.
a society that is in transition (=changing)
the period of transition to full democracy
Also - furthermore -likewise
That’s why
To show a result
neglect .n. v
Related Idioms: pay no attention to, pay no heed (or mind), think little of
Almost/around/ about
Syn: roughly
About; more or less
something or someone that is very unusual because of a rare quality or ability that they have.
E.g. I paint and nima tell me you are phenomenon.
Because it’s amazing.
Frequent .adj
Itinerary .n.c
a plan or list of the places you will visit on a journey
برنامه سفر
Making sure of
Combine .v
To blend, to mix together
ترکیب کردن
Typically .adv
Forbidden .adj
Not allowed
Especially by law
Smoking is forbidden in the cinema
Prove .v
To show that is true
ثابت کردن، اثبات کردن
Efficient .adj
Working quickly
Reunion .n
A social meeting of people who have not met for a long time
A family reunion
A high-school reunion
Envelop .v.
To cover or warp or s. One up completely
SYN: cover/ surround
The enveloping darkness
Dedicated .adj.
ˈdedəkeɪtəd who is dedicated works very hard at what they do because they care alot about it
She is a dedicated socialist
Dedicated to: use only befor noun
Made for or used for particular purpose
Incredibly .adverb.
In a way that is hard to belived.
The knife had pierced his heart, but incredibly he was still alive.
Yesterday it was fabtastic, it was incredibly hot.
Dreadful .adj
Extremely unpleasant
We have had some drealful weather lately.
SYN: terrible/ horrible/ awful
Thick fog
مه غلیظ
There was thick fig on the motorway this morning.
Thunder and lighting
A loud noise in the sky when there is a storm and then a sudden bright light in the sky.
We had a lot of thunder and lighting during the storm.
Occur .v
To Happen
The explosion occurred at 5.30 a.m.
Violent .adj.
Some one who is violent is likely to attack, hurt, kill other people
My father was a violent and dangerous man.
Branch .n .c
A part of a tree that grow out of main part.
Shakhe/ shobe
After the storm, the ground was littered with twigs and branches.
Erarthquake .n.c
A sudden shaking the earth
The city is in an earthquake zone.
Crop .n.c
a plant such as wheat, rice, or fruit that is grown by farmers and used as food
crop production
Starve .v
Die because you do not have enough food to eat
Whether .conjunction
used when talking about a choice you have to make or about something that is not certain:
Whether you’re a person whose job involves a lot of travel.
Nasty . Adj
a nasty experience, feeling, or situation is unpleasant
He had a nasty accident while riding in the forest.
Namehrabon. Kasif . Bad jens. Namatbou
Veranda .n.
SYN: balcony
an open area with a floor and a roof that is attached to the side of a house at ground level Synonym : porch American English
Treasure .n .v.
ˈtreʒə $ -ər
Valuable thins
Ganj/ dafine
Burgle .v.transitive
To go into thr building and steal things.
SYN: shoplifting / steal / rob
Collect .v
[verb] collect , collectivize
[noun] collection , collector , collective , collectable , collectible , collectivism , collectivization
[adj.] collected , collective , collectable , collectible , collectivist
[adv.] collectively
to get things of the same type from different places and bring them together ⇒ collection, collector:
You Find some one who can collect your mail fo you.
Returnable .adj.
قابل برگشت
Insist .v.
اصرار ورزیدن
پافشاری کردن
straightforward adj.
رک و روراست
Fiddles adj.
کمانچه ها
Speech n.
حرف و صحبت
Premise .n.
پیش فرض
قضیه ثابت
Detergent .n.
Presume .v.
فرض کردن
Neatly .adv.
به طور مرتب و آراسته
Agriculture .n.
Frighten .v.
Uneven .adj.
The ground is very uneven.
Scarecrow .n.
Maze .n.
جای پر پیچ و خم
Sufficient adj.
Syn. Adequate/ enough/ satisfactory/ fair
I need to do sufficient practice in Englishe to improve my skills.
Appropriate adj.
Syn. Suitable/ fitting/ to the point
These foods are appropriate for a balanced diet.
Quite adverb.
Syn. Somewhat/ fairly/ rather/ absolutely/ totaly/ reasonably
Picsso is quite famous.
*quiet= means not loud
Function n.
Syn: purpose/ task/ duty/ role
The function of the heart is to pump blood throughout the body.